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***Mary outfit above***

Every month Ms. Grant had two fashion shows, you were required to be there to help out. As her assistant I was required more, dress nice and thank all the guest for coming. I had to run around and make sure everything was in order to make Ms. Grant happy.

It had been three weeks since I last saw Harry, I never thought I would miss his sarcasm even though I didn't know him. Although I had more things to worry about, Noah had taken me out the night before with Louis to buy a new dress.

"Mary, I need you to check on the dresses. The show starts in an hour and one of the outfits ripped." Ms. Grant shouts while on the phone with someone. "No, I'm not talking to you.... Mary now!" I nod and start practically running to the dressing room. Tons of girls are running around, some half naked and some fully dressed fixing last minute problems.

"Everyone quiet!" I shout and everyone stops in place without a single movement or word. "Now Ms. Grant is stressed, like always, if you have a problem with your fitting make a line now in front of me. The rest of you go away from here so it's not so loud." Almost instantly I get girls left and right shooting their problems. I point to a girl, "What?" I snap.

"I'm too tall and they have me wearing six-inch heels." I look at the fitting, "It goes with the outfit." I look at the next girl. "Your boss has me going back to back without change." She snaps harshly. I look at her outfit and see she's wearing flats.

"Swap outfits with the tall girl over here."

"But the sewing." The other girl complains. "Tyler, I need you to go with those girls and fix the sewing," I tell one of the guys that work for Ms. Grant. He nods and they scurry off. "Next," the next girl appears and shows her ripped dress. There was no fixing it so I bend over and begin ripping the rest.

"What the hell?!" She screams everyone looks horrific. "Just go look in the mirror." She does so and beams at the dress. "It's beautiful! It definitely adds that I'm looking fabulous but I also don't want to look too dressy." And it did look nice, I almost wanted to cry of how perfect I made it. The rest of the outfits had a bitten missing or something wrong with the inside.

After I'm done it's time to begin greeting people. Most of them were usuals, they normally greeted me with a hug and I gave them a fake smile because rich people made me feel sick inside. Especially with as many as there was here.

There was a couple new people and then I saw him. I tried to brush it off and act business. Wouldn't he remember me?

"Good afternoon, enjoy the showcase." I say to him shaking his head and going to the next person. "Wait, Mary! I didn't expect you to be here." I groan and turn around. "It's my job, what are you doing here?" I snap at him. "My wife is one of the models." I want to slap him because they weren't in love. Wait, why did I care?

"Good for her," I say with a fake smile. "Listen, a couple weeks ago..." He starts off and I cut him off. "It's fine, just drop it and never mention it again. We're from two different worlds and its bet those worlds don't collide." He nods and gives me a smile.

"You look beautiful Mary," he says and walks away. I look beautiful? That's all he had to say?

"Mary, the show is starting I need someone to introduce me. The other guy quite a last minute." Ms. Grant tells me. "Y-you want me to do it?" I question her. I'd never spoke in front of people before.

"Are you questioning my judgment? You can do it." She made me think she believed in me but I knew otherwise.


After everyone took their seats it was time for me to go down the runway and speak. I didn't have time to prepare so I was going to try and wing it. Although I knew Ms. Grant didn't believe in me I pretended she did because that seemed to help. The thought that someone other than Noah believed in me.

"Hello, and welcome to Grant Designs annual fall fashion show in which we will be showing you our new fall lines. Purchases must be made in store or online for the full price. The models are very excited to show you what they got. And without further ado, Ms. Grant herself!" Everyone behind standing and clapping. I stay putting on a fake smile and age comes up giving me a semi-hug. She takes the mic and begins to speak. "Thank you, Mary, you may all sit down..." I exit the stage and sit in an empty seat, please go well.

Normally it's after the shows that we can actually relax. There's a party full liquor and everyone just kinda lets loose. I was excited about this part only Harry would be there, with his wife. I honestly didn't have a problem with it but I mean what happened a couple nights ago...  I had clocked out of work and headed to where the party was being held. There were lots of people, the models brought their boyfriends and of course off talking to a bunch of men was Harry Styles and his wife only a couple feet away showing off her wedding band to a group of models.

I walk around before committing to a spot, as I was making my rounds I pass his wife. "He gave me this wedding ring that was old, vintage and his grandmas. I made him take it back and get a new one. That's how I got my last ring, it wasn't my color, though." I let off a chuckle and she turns her attention to me. "Excuse me, were you listening to our conversation?" I roll my eyes.

"Just because you get rich from your husband and get everything you want doesn't mean everyone in the world wants to hear about your spoiled butt," I tell her, she rolls her eyes. She's silent for awhile and I know I won. It wasn't a competition but I made her speechless. I begin walking away to the bar for a drink.

A few co-workers come up and offer to buy me a drink for my courage to get up on stage, some stay and talk then walk away to go to the dance floor. "I heard you told my wife off." I hear a familiar raspy voice say. The only reason I really knew it was harry was because his vanilla scent mixed with mint gum.

"Didn't mean to," I say finishing my drink I had in hand. I was determined that this was my last drink. "Could I buy you a drink?" he asks me, his lips close to my ear. "I actually think I'm done. I've already had five glasses." I actually had more but I didn't get drunk easy. My vision was a little blurry but I could deal. "Let me drive you home then, I haven't drunk anything and I don't want anything happening to you."

"And your wife?" He helps me out of my seat and I felt as if I could melt. I lean against him for support, "Madison left with her friends." I just shrugged it off not giving much thought. He helped me to his car and laid me down in the passenger seat. "What time is it?" I ask him trying to find my phone. "Around seven thirty," he starts driving and I look out the window at the many buildings. "Mary, do you drink a lot like this?" I shake my head no.

"Noah and I only drink once a week unless were extra stressed and I drink this much one time a month at a fashion show." I begin messing with my heels to take them off, when they come off I rub my feet. "Sorry, pain is beauty right?" Harry smiles and I swear I see something in his eyes. "You only wear heels?" He asks me, I nod. I grew up short so every since I was sixteen I wore heels to make me taller. Most of the time it wasn't noticeable since I wore heels boots not full on heels.

"Why?" Is all Harry asks, I answer simply, "I'm short." It's silent but comfortable. Weirdly I felt safe, I felt as this was normal and Harry was my boyfriend and he was taking me away from the world.

Sadly that wasn't the case.

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