No-Sleeping with Girls Day!

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I composed myself, "Apologize? For what?"

"For everything." He stated simply, "I didn't know the way I treated you really mattered or that you'd get upset about it - enough to actually lie about being sick."

Wait, they thought I was upset because of Zayn? Well, I admit I was! But they totally got the wrong idea, I wouldn't drown myself in self pity for that long over something like that. If there's anything I've learned, is to not let any guy upset you, no matter how gorgeous he is.

But I somehow felt touched by how sincere he sounded he never really talked to me. Yet, here he was willing to apologize even if it wasn't his fault I was acting weird!

He sighed, "Look, I'm sorry." He stared at me, expectantly and all I could do was open and close my mouth. How attractive.

"Uh...well, that was unexpected." I managed to say, with a nervous smile. "Honestly, Zayn I admit you were a complete jerk, no, jerk is an understatement, you were an uncivilized, vain, cocky, big-headed, conceited, arrogant, na-" I stopped once I saw his eyes widen, maybe I shouldn't have said that..."Point is, you weren't exactly very nice, but I accept your apology because I'm not the type to hold a grudge on someone. Not to mention you're Zayn Malik and who could possibly be angry at Zayn Malik?"

Holy crap my mouth won't stop, it's like I'm letting everything I've stuffed inside of me for so long and it's finally decided to burst out!

"...and I get it your famous and you've met millions of girls and you've probably had to deal with crazier fans, and that I might be really insignificant or annoying! But you know what? I really tried to at least be your friend but if you can't like me for who I am, than I don't know what I ever saw in you!" By the time I finished, I was out of breath, my chest moving up and down. I was extremely frusterated and didn't regret anything I said.

Zayn just stared at me, neither of us made a single move, or sound. It was awkward.

He ran a hand through his hair, "You're right I was an asshole and you didn't deserve the way I treated you," he started taking a step forward, "I, honestly don't have an excuse for acting how I did," by now he was super close, too close.

Holy shit! Is he going to kiss me like in those cheesy movies?!

Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm hyperventilating!

He leaned in, "What I'm trying to say Sophia, is that I, really am sorry."

My mind was everywhere I was going to have a heart attack from how close he was! What am I suppose to do? Should I back away? Scream? Kick him? Turn around?

Screw it, I'm just going to go with the flow! If it works on T.V. it should work right now too!

I closed my eyes, expecting a kiss but instead was rewarded with a...


"I know this isn't really, enough but just for now..."

I feel so disappointed right now and relieved all at the same time.

I awkwardly pressed my head on his chest, uh this was very weird and embarrassing. I was getting all worked up and excited for nothing.

"Thanks...Zayn." At least it's something, I mean not every girl gets a hug from Zayn of all people, right?

Not to mention he smelled good, not that I was sniffing his shirt or anything.

"Well I better leave..." I nodded still holding onto his chest, "Sophia, can you uh let go?"

My eyes widened, "Oh yeah sorry!" I let go and started fidgeting with my shirt, I was clinging onto him like my life depended on it. Who does that?

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