Say Hello to my Panties

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So...I'm not going to be able to update frequently due to family coming to visit. So I apologize beforehand.




After our little moment, Matt finally came and gave us a ride home. So now I was both pissed and scared. Pissed because I wasn't going to meet One Direction and scared because my mom was going to kill me for not answering any of her calls.

Matt kept trying to lighten up the mood by saying some weird jokes but that just earned him a lot of glares from Chelsea and I.

We finally arrived at my house and I was surprised to see my mom standing in the driveway with her arms crossed. I got off the car, ever so slowly.

"Young lady you have some explaining to do," she tapped her foot impatiently.

I scratched my neck nervously, "Ha-ha yeah, about that..."


After I explained all that happened to my mom, leaving out the Matt peeing in the bushes and the beating up Charlie part, obviously. She decided to not ground me, but I did get a thirty minute lecture, which was worse. We were currently in the living room watching TV. I wasn't really in the mood though and neither was Chelsea so both of us just laid on the couch doing nothing. Why? Because my only life was that stupid concert, which was the one we had been saving up for this entire year. Curse their attractiveness and British accents.

"They're just a boy band who the hell cares," Matt groaned.

"Look, Mattie, let's say Megan Fox came and you were going to see her and had been planning to for a year...then bam you end up not being able to. Would you be disappointed?! Yes, exactly! That's how we feel right now. Be a little considerate, geez."

Matt's eyes remained on the TV screen while replying, "That's bullshit. Megan Fox would most likely come crawling to me, not the other way around."

Chelsea let out a laugh, "Now that...that is bullshit."

Matt, however, either chose to ignore or didn't hear her comment, "I have a surprise for you two."

"Whatever it is," I looked up from my phone, "you can count us out."

Chelsea nodded, "Amen. I don't trust you with surprises."

"It doesn't matter to me whether you trust me or not, and you know it."

"I mean, at least you accept it." I muttered.

"Be ready in ten."

"Wait, what? We didn't agree to this!" I yelled after him.

Chelsea sighed, "No use arguing, he's male."

"That's sexist."

"But true."


After we changed into something more comfortable we went downstairs where my mom and Matt were talking and laughing. I don't even wanna know why.

I cleared my throat causing Matt to look up from his sitting position. "You ready?"

"Yes sir," we said in unison.

My mom stood up, "Sophia, I expect you to call me to check in."

"I will, I will."

After finally convincing my mom that I would call her to check in she finally let me go. We got on the car and I kept asking Matt where he was taking us but the only response I got from him was, 'its a surprise.'

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