Liar, Liar Pants On Fire

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My eyes widened and I dropped the box he placed on my hand. I took a step back, feeling confused all of a sudden. "No you're not- you can't be. My dad's dead."

I could hear footsteps shuffling behind me. "Sophia, sweetie-"

The guy who said he was my dad took a step forward, "You told her I was dead?"

"David, I told you not to come." My mom placed a hand on my shoulder but I pushed it away.

"Who is he?" I breathed. My mom wouldn't lie about my dad. She wouldn't do that to me, right? She'd tell me if he was alive. This man is lying. He can't be my dad. He just can't. That would mean my mom has lied to me these past eighteen years.

"I'm your dad." The David guy repeated.

My mom walked up to him, "David, leave."

"I have every right to see her, Carol. She's my daughter too."

My mom chuckled but it seemed forced, "Really? So now she's your daughter? Bullshit. You didn't think she was your daughter when I got pregnant, did you?"

I felt my face go pale. "What do you mean?" I demanded.

My mom grabbed my hand, "Sophia, look I can-"

I snatched my hand away from her, feeling betrayed. "So you lied to me?" I yelled.

My mom flinched. "Sweetie, I didn't want you to-"

"To what?" I cried, "You told me he was dead. Do you know how many times I wondered why we wouldn't go visit his grave, like normal people? Do you know how many times I had to explain that my dad is dead?" I spat. "Do you know how much it sucks trying to picture what my dad looked like every single night?" My eyes began to water.

The David guy took another step forward and attempted to grab my hand. "Don't touch me."

My mom started crying, "Sophia, please let me explain."

"You lied to me, mom. You told me you hated lies yet you were the first one to do it."

"Sophia, let your mom talk. She'll explain everything." My aunt placed a hand on my mom's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

I threw my hands up, "You were in on this too? God, what other secrets are you keeping from me?" I felt my eyes burn. "Did the guys know too? Is there anyone who hasn't lied to me?" I exclaimed.

I was losing it and I knew it. I felt this growing numbness at the pit of my stomach as I stared at the guy who was suppose to be my dad. Funny how he only shows up now.

"Daddy! Can we go now? I'm hungry!" I looked behind David to find a little girl pulling on his pants impatiently.

I stared him in the eye, "You have kids."

He nodded slowly, "I do, including you."

I laughed dryly, "You left me. I'm not your daughter."


"You made a family of your own. Clearly you were fine without me." I shrugged, "I grew up without a dad so I'm used to it. Don't worry about me, David."

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