One Direction in my Living Room!?

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So...I updated again! Due to a little pressure from my fellow friends. Shout out to nikiluvs1D my triplet!





I was utterly shocked and embarrassed. I was wearing my underwear in front of One Direction! How embarrassing can this get? Chelsea wasn't any better she was blushing so much that it looked like she had a fever.

Louis cleared his throat, "So do all Americans dance in the middle of the street in their underwear?"

Harry whistled and stood up from the back seat (since the car was a convertible) "I like Americans," he declared.

I couldn't even reply to anything they were saying simply, because my eyes landed on the one and only.

Zayn Malik.

He was in the back seat not even bothering to look up. Well I'm actually thankful...I don't enjoy being stared at even when I'm fully clothed.

Damn it. Why do these things happen to me?!

Zayn Malik is right in front of me while I'm in only underwear and a shirt!


What a great first impression. I clutched my head. I felt really cold all of a sudden. I shivered, "Hey's getting co-"

My head started spinning and I started feeling dizzy. Crap maybe, getting thrown into the lake with my clothes on, wasn't such a good idea. My eyes started drooping and the last thing I heard was Matt yelling my name.


I groaned. I felt somebody stir beside me and I quickly forced my eyes open. I looked to my right and found Chelsea sprawled on the bed, still in her underwear and shirt. I flinched, my head hurt like a mother fudger.

"Looks like the beast is finally awake." I stood up from my laying position and saw Matt sitting on my red bean bag.

I glared at him and rubbed my head, "What happened?"

Before he could answer my question we heard a loud thud and a moan. I looked down and saw Chelsea on the floor. She opened her eyes and looked around, "What the hell?"

I shrugged, "Looks like Matt has some explaining to do."

Chelsea stood up from the floor completely oblivious to the fact that she was still basically naked.

"You fainted 'cuz you were still wet and right after that Chelsea fainted for no reason."

"I was shocked, okay!" Chelsea defended.

"This happened because of you!" I started standing up and walked towards him, Chelsea followed me looking anything but happy. "Hey Matt, how about we get even again?" Matt glanced to his left and quickly made a run for it.

We were about to follow him when I stared at Chelsea. "Before we kill him we should probably put some pants on."

She nodded, "Good idea."

After she put on the gym shorts I leant her and I changed into my sweat pants, we made our way downstairs in search of our dear Matt.

"Matt!" Chelsea yelled, while slowly making her way down the stairs. I followed her without a word. We finally reached the bottom and spotted him leaning against the wall. We were about to tackle him to the ground but before we even got the chance, someone cleared their throat and that someone was my loving, mother. Who at the moment didn't sound too loving.

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