Is She Dead?

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*Poke Poke*
We Got Pizza!

My head Shot up fast and my eyes where looking around for pizzia Then Bam I found it but last time I checked we where in the hall way now we are in the cafeteria and people are looking at us.I blush but and Started playing wit my charm Bracelet that my day gave me when Jackie Was born. I quickly snap outta it and went to Karen and the boys where the pizzia was and dug in.

Um Cynthia Alex Said.
Mmm I said chewing
Yhu know that u are eating 2 pizzas at once he said with humor.
I rolled My eyes and Began eating because I was rudely interrupted .
Ay You Guys Want to See Something Funny Luke said.
Yea Sure the boys said.
Luke came up to me and when I was Bout to bite into the wonderful master piece I had in my hand Luke took it and rip it into one and gave it back to me.I look at him dumbfounded and drop my pizzia in the pizzia box and Began walking to Luke slap him in his head and Began walking to the exit but before I left I grab my pieces and walk to the exit.I heard the group saying like
"Awww you got my girlfriend mad" "Psssh Ok She's My Wife but that was funny tho when she slap you "...

I walk outta the cafeteria and walk to the football field and seen some Guys Throwing.
Um Hi Can I Play? I asked nervous.
Yea Sure Sweet heart but we go easy on you scene you a Girl one of the guys said.Oh don't worry I should tell you that I said smirking.
Oh right show me what you got.... Ok Max ,Anthony,Nick,Cynthia and Me Are In this team and the rest are in the other team ,Got it ok go where you gonna be The boy with Jet black hair with green eyes said.
Oh by the way am Jamie he said sticking out his hand. You already know my name I said Smiling.
Ik ok Max you are defence same as you Nick and Anthony you pass the the ball to me and I'll pass the ball to Cynthia and Cynthia you will try to get a Touch Down.Am Trusting you and make make sure not to brake anything cuz trust Me you would. Ok everybody got in your spots.
Ready Jamie Look back at me and I nodded .Hike! He threw the ball under him and threw it to me so I ran like my life depend on it and Nick push people who where trying to get to me and my legs where getting tried cuz the foot ball field is big and long so I ran faster and faster and I seen this dude coming to me but then max tackle him down and I ran and ran and a other dude came and I thought "where are these guys coming from" and right when he was about to jump on me Anthony yelled watch out and the dude crash on to me and I almost drop the ball and fell I got up real quick because I was almost there and I ran again like my depend on it and a Big ass Dude that look like if he kept exerciseing his muscles will blow off came to me and I shove him real hard Like real hard I think I broke my shoulder.I ran and jump where you land on the touch down And I layed there and close my eyes from being tried from all that running and I heard people cheering and People came to me and I heard Jacob,Miguel,Karen Cameron and all the boys and also the boys that I was playing foot am with came and asked me
"Are you ok!?"
Cynthia open ur eyes
I think she dead
Shut up Cameron
Oh My gawd Chill out
Did we win ?I asked still with my eyes close.
Yea Cynthia We Did said Jamie Signing.
They help me up and I went to the big Dude and went to his Face and said Ha we won and I dance around him happy I look at him and he smiled and said Yea Unfortunately You did he said still Smiling.I stuck out my tongue at him like a child and he chuckled.
I went to where everyone was at and I said Jacob Carry me I fell into his arms and he caught me and out me on his shoulder. We started Walking away and I yelled out Byye You guys thanks for letting me play and bye to you mr.Big muscles ha I beat -I was Cut off By Jacob slapping my butt. I was Bout to tell him something untill Chris Saying HEY!!NO SLAPPING MY GIRLFRIENDS ASS. I snorted and Jacob just glared at Chris and laugh.
HEYYYY!I yelled everybody stop and look at me besides Jacob cuz I was on his shoulder.
I STILL HAVENT ATE YOU KNOW!. You ate 2 Pieces of pizzia in the cafeteria Angel ,David,Adam said.ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT I YELLED.
I THINK HE IS TOO ITS ON AND CRAKING NOW Hold my ear wings Alex.She took off her ear wings and gave it to Alex .I was getting Off Jacob And Said yea Jacob hold my ear wings and my rings I told Jacob while taking off my stuff.
Pussies ,you guys really scared of a short little girl who eats a lot,who is over weight,who think she tough someone Said.I look to see who it was and Look to see Sierra.
I can feel my face getting red and hot and I can feel my anger rising up.
Oh Cat Got your tongue? Serria Said smirking.
At this Point My whole Body was Shaking and I was trying to not let my anger out .
Serria That's Enough Jacob Said.
Oh What are you on her side too? She said.
Can You Shut up and Open your dirty mouth else where the boys Said.
What? Am just stateing the truth right?
She's Over weight,She's ugly,She think she tough,I bet she has already open her legs for all you guys Am I right or am I right? Serria Said Smirking.
Shut Up Serria,Shut the fuck Up before you will regret what's gonna happen.All You do is know how to run that dirty mouth of urs.Karen Said .
Oh You Shut up Bitch at least my father ain't beating my ass up when I get home .Serria Said Laughing.At that point I was done holding my anger in and turn to look at Karen and I seen she was at the Point of crying.SHUT UP SERRIA SHUT THE FUCK UP AM TRIED OF U FUCKEN RUNNING YOUR MOUTH AND FUCKEN TALKING what if am "over weight"And not over weight am just thick and last time I check I have kinda a flat belly ,you cross the line talking about my best friend business it got nothing to do with you or any of the school so shut the fuck up and I haven't even open my legs to any one I haven't even had my 1st kiss and am proud of that I haven't had my 1st kiss am saving it for someone special un like YOU I dont want herpes. SO YOU CAN KISS MY PHAT ASSS .I yelled the last sentence out loud and went to Karen and hug her and told her everything gonna be ok and I heard serria say
It's not over !
Oh am looking forward to it I yelled back.

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