Adventurous Love (Part 3)

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The last part in Mickey and Alexis' story! Enjoy!

You should be able to see an external link to the playlist I created with the songs if you're interested.


"I have to get ready for when Alexis arrives!" Mickey thinks aloud as he walks toward his first class of the day. People are going to think I'm crazy if I keep talking to myself. He shakes his head, but he can't get rid of the grin on his face. I need to organize my room, maybe shower again, change the bedsheets... His phone vibrates and he scrambles to get it almost dropping it in the process.

His grin gets bigger as he sees the text is from Alexis.

I can't wait to kiss you ;)

Mickey shakes his head, ever since Christmas, Alexis has been more open about what he wants. Mickey feels guilty because he was the one who had initially said that they should keep their relationship to themselves while they figured out how they felt about each other. It set the tone for it. He wonders if it is what kept Alexis from being as open as he is now or if it is where their relationship is.


By the end of the summer before my first year of college, Alexis didn't want to label our relationship. We knew our feelings for each other were growing and we promised we would be exclusive, but he didn't want to prevent me from experiencing college. As much as I had tried to convince him that our relationship wouldn't, I wasn't able to. He didn't want to be responsible for preventing me from falling in love with someone else if that were to happen as much as that would have hurt him. As a result, I started my freshman year at my chosen college and Alexis started his senior year of college at his. We missed each other, but we didn't want the other to feel guilty so we waited until winter break to see each other.

It was until then that I convinced Alexis that I didn't want to be with anyone else and that being in a relationship wouldn't prevent me from enjoying what college had to offer. A stronger commitment formed between us, but we still didn't label it.

Then the following semester, college kept Alexis busy. He was getting ready to graduate, so we barely saw each other until his graduation. That summer things changed between us. We got more intimate, emotionally closer. He was able to find a job at an art gallery. We celebrated and he asked me to be his boyfriend the night before I came back to college for my second year. My heart hadn't beat so fast before. My feelings for him were so much stronger than I thought I was capable of. It scared me. He visited me as much as he could. I couldn't wait for those days that I would see him.

I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest when I saw him that summer. I visited him at the studio; he was teaching an art class to five year olds. He was kneeling next to one of them. The five year old boy was enthusiastically talking to him. They both laughed at something. He radiated happiness. He was in his element. He was doing what he loved. An, I love you, escaped my lips. As if he heard it, he raised his gaze and met mine. It was the most intense and intimate gaze we had shared. It was only interrupted when the little boy tugged his sleeve to get his attention.

I didn't say it aloud again until I saw him this past Christmas. I had missed him more than I imagined during the semester I spent in Brazil. I didn't hold myself back when I saw him. I kissed him in front of our family taking him by surprise. He blushed from it and from the teasing from our family. I hadn't seen him blush so much. That night he told me he loved me and I couldn't have been happier. I knew he did, but hearing it made the butterflies in my stomach do somersaults and warmth to spread throughout my body and that night we...

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