Chapter Four: The Xiu Clan

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A/N: I've decided to try something a little different this chapter, just to spice up the story more. Tell me if it works!

P.S. For those of you who read Chapter Three 'first draft', you might want to go back and reread it for this chapter to make sense. Two reviews and I'll continue!

Chapter Four

The bright sunlight hits my face as I step out of the jail, and in spite of the water I've been given, I can't help but wince and shade my eyes. The fresh air on my face has never felt so good, though.

"Miss Wu."

Lord Xiu's tone makes me turn around. In spite of the fact that he has just rescued me from jail, I can't help but feel more than a little apprehensive about him. What does he want from me? I still haven't forgotten how he told the jailer that I would 'pay for my crime', and the thought sends a shiver up my spine.

I bow respectfully, hoping to hide the slight tremor in my voice. "Thank you for helping me, sir."

"Why did you strike the Deputy Minister's collector?" Lord Xiu's voice is calm, but there is an edge of steel to it that tells me that he won't tolerate anything but the truth.

I bite my lip, hesitating, and then the whole shameful story comes spilling out. I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up as I repeat Collector Pan's insinuating words, and the anger I thought I had left behind comes back full force. When I finish, there is a long silence, and I stand nervously, wishing I could vanish into the ground.

Lord Xiu speaks to his sons first. "Dong Li, Li Yuan, go home. Your mother has waited long enough for your return; I will follow later. Li Yuan, keep your brother out of trouble, understand?"

I glance up as the boys depart. Dong Li, the lively one with the permanent smile, gives me a slight wave as he leaves; Li Yuan merely bows curtly before turning away, and I am shocked and rather confused at the anger in his onyx eyes.

After they are gone, Lord Xiu turns to me. "Your grandmother owes forty taels, is that true?"

"Yes, sir."

"How are you going to earn the money?"

"My grandmother is a seamstress; we'll manage." I can't keep the shortness out of my voice. Poor or not, I still have my pride, and I don't need his pity.

Lord Xiu is silent for a moment, and then he speaks. "I told the jailer that you would be punished for your crime. My wife is in need of a maid at the moment. Do you wish to take the position?"

"A...maid?" It certainly isn't one of the best options, but what choice do I have?

He nods. "You will be paid at the end of the week; your wages will determine on the service that you give to my wife. Do you agree to this arrangement?"

I only hesitate for a few seconds, and then I nod. "I agree."

A smile lights his face, and his eyes suddenly appear much more gentle. "Very well. Come tomorrow morning, and you may begin. Ask for Ting Guang House, and you will get directions."

"Thank you, sir!" My heart is beating so fast, I can hardly hear myself think, but for a different reason this time. Hope, desperate though it may be, rises in me again. Maybe this is an omen. Maybe there is a way out, after all.

"Do you need an escort home?" Lord Xiu asks kindly.

"No thank you, sir. I'll be fine." I need time to think, and I want to tell Grandmother and Suyin the news myself.

He bows courteously, and then heads off into the crowd, and I am left alone, my brain whirling at the events of the morning, and wondering if I have stepped into a dream. Do I dare believe in this? Or will I wake up and find out everything was an illusion?

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