Chapter Fifteen: Family

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A/N: The last chapter! I'm really going to miss this story. It's meant more to me than nearly anything I've written before, starting out as an idea where a silver-haired young man saves a girl from robbers, and going on from there. It's even surprised me, with the way it twists and turns, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. With that done, on with the story!

Chapter Fifteen

The second Liang saw Dai Feng throw the knife, he knew what he had to do. Running forward, he hurled himself in front of the Emperor, spinning around neatly to catch the knife in his hand. He landed on the ground, out of breath, and looked up in time to see the Dragon Lord being overpowered and dragged away.

A small hand touched his shoulder, and Liang turned around to see Choi staring up at him with tear-filled eyes. He reached out and squeezed her hand gently with his own.

It was all over.


"Hong Lao and his son and the assassins are to be executed." Jin Li brought the grim news the next morning while the family were at breakfast. No one smiled, not even Li Yuan. Despite Hong Lao's wickedness, no one was rejoicing in such a public and ugly death.

Liang, who was sitting at the table next to Yanmei, got to his feet and went out into the garden. Mingzhu, seeing the upset look on his face, went after him and found him standing by the wall.

"They tried to kill the Emperor and Xiu Jin Li," he said quietly, knowing she was there, "and yet I can't help but feel sad at their deaths. Is that foolish of me?"

Mingzhu smiled sadly. "No. It shows that you have a kind heart, and that is never foolish."

"They were the only family I ever had," Liang said. He turned around, swallowing hard. "Despite everything, they were my only family, and now they're going to die."

Mingzhu reached out and put a hand on his arm, but said nothing more. There was nothing to say.


Choi was carrying some laundry to Wei Li's room when she caught sight of Li Yuan, sitting on one of the garden benches. The dark-haired boy glanced up at her approach.

"Did you hear?" he asked. "Hong Lao and his son are to be executed."

Choi nodded. "It's all the talk in the kitchen." Balancing the laundry on her lap, she sat down next to him, pausing for a few moments before she spoke. "Are you glad?"

Li Yuan sighed. "I thought I would be. I thought if they died, that would fix everything." He turned to her, and Choi was surprised at the sadness in his onyx eyes. "But it doesn't."

Choi reached out and put her hand over his own. "Revenge doesn't fix anything," she said softly. "It only makes it worse."

Li Yuan smiled faintly. "You were right when you told me that," he said. "I didn't know it then, were right." He leaned over and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, surprising her. "Thank you, Choi. You're a good friend." He got up and walked away, leaving Choi alone with her thoughts.


"I've had enough of this place," Yanmei announced the day after the executions as she and Liang walked through the garden. "I think I'll leave."

Liang stared at her in surprise. "Where?"

The young woman shrugged. "I don't know. The provinces, maybe." She smiled up at him. "I'll settle down--get married and have children."

Liang laughed. "That doesn't sound like you."

Yanmei smiled. "I still don't know who 'me' is. You received a pardon from the Emperor because you saved his life, and the Xius want you to stay with them, but I only received a pardon because Jin Li asked as a special favour, and I don't belong here anyway. I need to start over somewhere new."

"I'll miss you," Liang said.

Yanmei stared at him. "Seriously? I treated you like little better than dirt for all those years; why do you say you'll miss me?"

"Because it's the truth," Liang replied honestly. "If it wasn't for you, Jin Li wouldn't have been able to warn the Emperor and I would have been killed. You saved my life, Yanmei, and I won't forget it."

Yanmei smiled up at him. "Your good heart is speaking again." She jabbed him lightly in the side with a finger. "Don't forget me when I go away. I might just come back when you least expect it."

"I won't," Liang answered. "I promise."


It was Choi's last day at the Xius, and she said a warm goodbye to all of the family. Mingzhu kissed her on the cheek and Dong Li hugged her with his usual exuberance, while Li Yuan just bowed politely and Xiaolian embraced her, seeming not to want to let go. Lanying sobbed while she helped pack Choi's things, and promised to visit as soon as she could.

Liang was waiting at the gate when Choi came out, and he smiled at her. "I'll walk with you across the city," he asked. "That is, if you don't mind."

Choi shook her head. "I don't."

The two of them walked in relative silence for the first few minutes, and then Choi spoke. "Is Yanmei gone?"

"She left this morning." Liang sighed.

"You miss her," Choi said.

The silver-haired ex-assassin nodded. "Yes. She was like a sister to me."

Choi smiled. "My aunt has agreed to live with Grandmother and Suyin and me. It took a while to convince her, but she finally said yes. I want to get to know her; to find out more about my mother. I'm glad I'll get the chance."

"You're blessed, then," Liang said. "I never got the chance to really know my family; I'm glad you will."

The pair walked on until they stopped in front of Choi's gate. "Will I see you again?" Choi asked hesitantly. "Now that I'm not working at the Xiu house anymore?" 

Liang nodded, a shy smile on his face.

Choi smiled back. "Good." She turned to go in, but Liang stopped her. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek, and then stepped back, cheeks flushing slightly.

"Goodbye, Choi."

Choi stared at him, her heart beating fast with happiness. "Goodbye, Liang." She watched him walk away until he had turned the corner, and then pushed open the gate.

She was finally home.


*sobs* The bittersweet end! Thank you for all your reads, votes, and comments! I'm really glad you took the time to read this story, and I hope many other Wattpadders enjoy it in the months to come! I fell in love with Choi, Liang, and the Xius while writing this story, and I'll miss them all. Goodbye--for now!

                                                                           The End

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