Chapter Eleven: Fate

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A/N: This is the eleventh chapter! Thanks for all the votes and comments I received on Chapter Ten--I'm glad y'all liked it! This one's for you, Rosielaurel, enjoy!

Chapter Eleven


Dong Li's shout brought Mingzhu to her feet in a heartbeat, apprehension clouding her face as she wondered what had happened.

As she came out into the garden, she saw her adopted son entering the gate, supported on one side by Liang, who had blood on his white clothes. The sight made Mingzhu's eyes widen and she ran forward. "Li Yuan? What happened?"

Jin Li, who appeared next with Wei Li and Shao Li, was much calmer. "Let's go inside, and then we can find out." Liang nodded, and in a few minutes the entire family, including Xiaolian, who was perched on her eldest brother's lap, was in the main room while Mingzhu got the medicine bag, but Li Yuan stopped her before she could lift his shirt.

"It's alright," he said between gritted teeth. "Choi's grandmother bandaged my ribs already."

"What happened, son?" Jin Li asked.

Li Yuan stared at the ground, hesitating before he spoke. "It was...Hong Lao's son, Guang."

"What?!" Shao Li shot to his feet, anger evident on his features. "How did he...?"

"He was threatening Choi and her friend," Li Yuan continued, breathing more calmly now as the pain in his chest eased. "I just couldn't stand by and do nothing."

Jin Li sighed heavily. "Li Yuan...that was reckless. Now Hong Lao will have even more cause to complain to the Emperor about us."

"Dad, you always say that our duty is to defend those weaker than ourselves," Dong Li spoke up in defense of his sibling. "That's just what Li Yuan was doing. I thought you would be proud of him."

Jin Li stared at the ground, realising the truth in his son's words. He rested a hand lightly on Li Yuan's shoulder, squeezing it gently. "You're right, Dong Li. I am proud of you, son."

Li Yuan nodded, his dark eyes softening. He glanced to Liang, who so far had stood silently in the corner, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I wouldn't have been here if not for Liang, though. He deserves more praise than I."

"What do you mean?" Jin Li asked.

"Hong Guang cheated in our fight," Li Yuan said. "He had one of his friends grab me from behind while he hit me. I might have been killed if Liang hadn't come." He gave a nod of gratitude towards the young man, a slight smile on his face.

Mingzhu turned to Liang. "Is that true?"

Liang nodded, his cheeks colouring slightly.

The small woman moved forward and hugged him impulsively. "Then you have our gratitude," she said, smiling up at him. "I could not bear to lose another son."

"She speaks for both of us," Jin Li said, and when Liang looked at him, he could see the mistrust in the man's eyes had disappeared, if only for now. "I thank you for what you did."

Liang bowed, but made no reply. Mingzhu released him, and as she stepped back, her eyes fell on his bloody shirt and her smile faded. "You're hurt!"

"It's not my blood," Liang said. "It's Hong Guang's."

"What did you do?" Wei Li asked, slightly apprehensively.

There was a tiny hint of mirth playing around Liang's eyes as he replied. "I think I broke his nose."

There was a burst of laughter, and Liang smiled again, all thoughts of the gang and the temple almost disappearing from his mind. He was truly at home.

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