Chapter 9

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Hank's P.O.V.:

After lunch I was in my office doing paperwork that needed to done. I was on the last of the cattle fees when I heard the sounds of hoof beats coming up to the house and the barking from Rex in the house. I get up to move to the window and look out when I see that Molly and Jim were riding up to the house from the North pasture with a look of angry and unbelievable on their faces but Molly had the look of nervousness too. I started walking towards the door, thinking what these emotions were about that had to do with the North pasture.

I walk to the kitchen to go through the back door instead of going through the whole house and that my cowboy boots are at the back door. After I got my boots on I walk through the door with Rex on my heels. Once outside Rex and I walk over to the fence where we wait for Molly and Jim to come up to me. They rode over and stop at the fence with a piece of barbed wire on Jim's saddle horn.

"What wrong."

"We have a problem in the North pasture." Molly says.

"What is wrong. Is it the fence."

"Yes and no." Jim says. "The problem is that the fence was cut and that there is a lot of tire tracks around the fence line. It looks like someone cut the fence."

"What!" I say angrily heading towards the barn. "Take me to the cut fence." Thinking of anyone that could of done it, but as I jogged to the barn I couldn't think of anyone.

Molly and Jim are right beside me. Where they wait outside of the barn as I go and get my tack and bring the tack outside to the pasture were Buck is. I tack him up and swing up into the saddle. Molly, Jim and I rode out to the North pasture.

We rode at a lope all the way to the pasture were Jim and Molly shows me where the fence was cut. I dismount Buck and walk over to the fence where I can see a lot of tire tracks. The tracks look like it was a day or 2 of who cut the fence.

"Who could of done it." Molly asked.

"That is what we need to find out." I say. "When we move the cattle down to the barn we need to have more than two men up here. We have no idea who it is that cut the fence and they can be dangerous."

"Yea, I'll tell the men and women to watch where they going and to keep there eyes on the look out for someone at the fence that is not our men." Jim says while looking around. "Let's go and tell them now than they will be careful."

"Yea, let's go." I say.

We all got on our horses and ride back to the ranch.

When we got back to the ranch we told the ranch hands to tell everyone to come to the house for a meeting in 10 minutes. Everyone run to different directions to tell everyone that there is a meeting and they have to be there.

We put our horses in the pasture after we took off our tack and hanged it on the fence.

Molly, Jim and I headed towards the house.

Who could of cut the fence and why?

Unknown P.O.V.:

Sitting on the hill watching down on the ranch seeing the ranch handes looking around.

"Soon Hank I will have my revenge" I laughed quietly.

Sorry for a late update but I'm really busy in school.

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