Chapter 4

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Hank's P.O.V. (After talking with Molly)

After Molly closed the door I sit back and think about her melt chocolate brown eyes and the curves in the right places. She was different from the other ranch hands. She was beautiful and mysteriously. I shuck my head from those throughs.

I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in", I say. The door outs and in came Jim's. Closing the door and sitting down in one of the chair's in front of the desk.

"So what bulls do you have in mind to breed with which heifers", Jim ask.

"I was thinking of breeding Black Ben to #'s 18, 20, 40 and 50(the heifer numbers)", I say.

"That's good because they want't be to big for the first time mothers", Jim says. "What about the bull that you just bought from the guy in Calgary", Jim says. "Are you going to breed him to the heifers or to the cows that are more experience to see if the calves they drop are to big for first time heifers".

"I will breed the bull to the more experienced cows because I know that the first time heifers will have a hard time dropping them", I say.

"Ok," he says.

"Ok, that is all for now," I say.

"See you in the morning," he says while walking towards the door. After he closes the door, I go back to thinking about Molly.


I hope u like this chapter and please tell me what u guys think of this chapter.
~Maggie ❤️

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