Facts 381--390

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Throughout all 8 films, Daniel Radcliffe went through roughly 160 pairs of glasses.

210,000 coins were created for the Gringott's scene in Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Rowling said that Sirius was too busy being a rebel rebel to get married.

Lily Evans was Head Girl her seventh year.

Hagrid is allergic to cats which is why he hates Mrs. Norris.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione unite the 3 different Ollivander wand cores--Harry has the phoenix tail core, Hermione has the unicorn hair core, and Ron has the dragon heartstring core.

Most of the Blacks are named after stars. For example, Sirius is named after the dog star.

Ron's birthday is March 1st.

In 2007, J. K. Rowling was runner up for Time Magazine's Person of the Year.

The producers tried to give Emma Watson fake buck teeth like in the books, but Emma couldn't speak clearly while wearing the false teeth.

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