Where Do I Go?

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'What the-' I woke up with my cheek on a wet pillow, which only meant that I had cried during my sleep. Which wasn't unusual considering bad dreams are a common thing for me, however they usually wake me up, but not today. This morning I woke up in a house that wasnt my own, but Keatons. I'll have to pay him back for this, I can't thank him enough. I check my phone and see 0 new texts and 0 missed calls, mom clearly didnt care enough to beg for me back yet. However there was someone who may have been asking for my forgiveness. As im about to lock my phone it flashes and the words '1 new text' come up on the screen. I open the text and see,

From: Bradley

Savannah i'm so sorry I honeslty dont know what came over me, Keaton had every right to tell you, if you want to sort this out then please call me asap :(x

I throw my phone to the floor and shove my face back into the damp pillow. I don't care what he has to say, im angry and i'll never forgive him, i've put up with too much and i'm not willing to put myself up for being hurt again.

'You ok Savannah?' a deep, concerned voice comes from across the room.

'Ugh, I'm fine' I say with my face still half shoved into the mascara stained pillow. 'Sorry about the pillow' I say lifting my head off to reveal the black patches.

Keaton laughs, 'don't worry, it can easily be washed, did you sleep well?'

'Well, I thought I did, until I woke up with a damp pillow, so I guess.. i didn't?'

'That makes sense' he laughs again 'you up for some pancakes?'

'When aren't I up for pancakes?'

Keaton makes his way over to the kitchen, and I stand up to stretch my legs, sleeping on a sofa isn't the most comfortable thing.I follow Keaton into the kitchen to see him pulling all sorts of fruit and ingredients out of the cuboards. His moms a chef, so he always has the best lunches at school, which explains why everyone is begging for him to share his food with them. 

'D'you wanna flip this one?' Keatons asks me

'Unless you want pancake all over your floor I think thats a bad idea'

'At least give it a go, look i'll help'

I agreed to the help and soon Keatons warm hands were touching mine as we held onto the handle of the pan and attempted to flip the pancake. The warmth of his body so close to mine sent shivers right through me, which should not be happening, Keatons my best friend, note the word FRIEND. Despite that we flip the pancake perfectly and were soon sat at the large oak dining table with our 'chefs son' prepared pancakes. I have to admit, he's a good chef, his mom clearly enjoyed spending time with him, unlike my relationship with my own mother.

Not long after I showered, got dressed into the spare clothes I brought and did my hair and makeup. I didnt bother making much of an effort, I was mostly trying to keep myself warm. The snow from last night had settled on the ground, despite the usually scorching hot Cali weather. It looked so different, it was like the sand had gone from hot to cold and had spread itself alot further than the beach. However, it did look beautiful, if only California looked like this more often, i'm fed up of seeing the same, sun, sea and sand every single day. I head to the closest mall, which wasn't too far from Keatons house, he did offer to go with me but I decided it would be best to go by myself, that way I wouldn't get distracted and end up forgetting half the things I need to buy for my family. That's if I'm allowed back into the house by Christmas. I check my phone again, still no new calls or messages, someones holding a grudge.

Hours later and the sky is beginning to darken, it's only 6pm but the lights draped around the never ending rows of palm trees are already starting to turn on. Christmas was my favorite time of year, there was something about it that always seemed so magical, and whatever age seeing the Christmas decor always got you excited. Well, for me anyway. I decide to head home before it hits me, where the hell am I going? I fumble around in my pockets in search for my phone...nothing. Then in my bag..nothing. Where could it be? I stood on the sidewalk in utter panic searching in every pocket in hope to find my phone. 5 minutes later I give up looking and head to a payphone. No change. I deeply sigh and head to find the nearest hotel, luckily I had enough money for a night to stay. I walk into the hotel and head to the desk.

'Hey, just one night stay, whatevers avalible'

'Good evening miss, how old are you?' the receptionist asks


'Oh im awfully sorry, under 16s cant stay without being accompanied by an adult'

By this point I start to panic and take my last option, call home. 'Oh okay, would I be able to use your phone?'

'Of course, do you know the number youre calling'

'Off by heart' I take the phone and smile at the receptionist.


'Oh it's you, finally begging to come back home are you?'

'Mom i've been out of your way for over 24 hours for fuck sake let me back home I have no where to stay tonight'

'Why don't you go back to loverboy Keatons house?' I can almost sense her smirking

'HES NOT LOVERBOY' by this point im drawing attention from people and I see them giving me concerned looks. I take a deep breath, 'mom, please'

'If you dare make any contact with me then youre gone again, understand?'

'Sure, thanks' 

I hand the phone back to the receptionist and smile at the tall, brunette woman, assuring her that everything was fine and headed back home. Ready to dread the awkwardness of coming home?.. not really...

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