Fearful and Thankful

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As school finished on the Wednesday for christmas break, I didn't bother going back that week. Missing 2 days of school wasn't going to destroy my life. I just left the house at normal time, went out and tried to avoid as many people as possible, and came back home when the school day ended. No one asked questions, apart from my friends of course, but it's easy to lie and say you're ill. 

The last day of school approached and I was pleased that I had managed to skip school, even though I had been sent about 50 texts from Sydney asking where the hell I was and to call her straight away. Little did I know that if I was absent from school I had to actually call in and explain why. Guess who got the call this morning... my mom.

'SAVANNAH MARIE PARKER GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW' mom sounded angry, and thats the very moment I knew I hadnt gotten away with this.

'Why did you skip school?' Her tone was slightly less violent this time

'Pft.. i didnt do that'

'Well considering the school phoned me today asking where you were I think it's pretty obvious you did'

'Shit' I mumbled quietly under my breath

'What was that?'

'It was none of your business, thats what'

'Listen your grades are plummeting at top speed and-'

I cut her off 'ARE YOU SAYING IM STUPID HUH?' I was shouting now, angry that she thought I would let her speak to me like that.

'no i'm saying you can't skip school'


'Don't you dare raise your voice at me miss parker'

'I WILL CONTINUE RAISING MY VOICE UNTIL YOU STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH' I could see my mums face getting redder and her fists starting to clench

My mom took a deep breath before saying ' get out my house'

I was utterly shocked by this, she can't throw her 15 year old daughter out of the house.




I stormed upstairs and grabbed my backpack, filled it with my onesie and spare clothes, deoderant and my toothbrush. It was a light pack, but I knew she'd be begging for me to come back in no time. The sky was already begginning to darken and the street lamps were turning on. I ran down the stairs, avoiding contact with anyone in the house, opened the door and slammed it behind me. Well, i couldn't camp in the garden, and I didn't bring money to find a hotel. Luckily I had my phone so decided to call Sydney.

One ring.. two..three.. 'Hey it's Sydney I cant answer-'

Shit, Sydneys gone to her grandparents house for christmas break. Where the hell am I meant to go. Our friend group consists of quite a few people but i'm not really close enough to anyone to crash at their place. It was getting dark and I was starting to shiver, so I had to think of something, and fast. I decided to call Keaton, he had probably finished soccer practice as it was nearing 6pm. I dialed his number and waited.. one ring..two ..three. I was about to hang up but I heard his cheery voice from the other end of the phone.



'Where have you been?'

'I think what we need to concentrate on right now is where i'm going'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Mom kicked me out'


'Keaton calm down please, i'm at the corner of my road'

'Ok i'm on my way'

'Wait wha-'

Before I could finish my sentance he ended the call. Whatever he was doing I hoped he hurried up, as it was starting to get darker and colder, and I swear I could feel snow falling from the sky. Within 5 minutes I saw Keaton running round the corner, did he really just run all the way from his house? He approached me, out of breath and his face almost dripping with sweat, not to mention the snow was falling alot heavier now. He placed his hands on my shoulders, still breathing heavily.

'Savnnah you're coming with me'

'I can't'

'Why not?' he sounded shocked, and almost angry that I was telling him no. 

After waiting for an answer he grabbed my hand and slung my backpack onto his own back, before taking me down the sidewalk, closer and closer to his house.

'Why are you doing this?' I asked, as I stopped walking.

'I'm not leaving you out in the snow Savannah, what kind of person would do that?'

'My mom' I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I nervously answered his question. Keaton awkwardly looked down at his feet before apoligising and continued walking, with me following slowly behind. We soon reached his house, lights hanging down from, and around the roof. It looked so beautiful, which made me remember that christmas eve was the night I almost ran away last year. Keaton unlocked his front door and motioned for me to go in, before noticing I hadn't even entered the garden.

'What are you doing?'

'Sorry, I just-' I couldn't even speak due to the lump forming in my throat. Keaton walked up the path and stood behind me before placing his hands on my back and pushing me down the snow covered path and in through the door. I immediately felt the warmth of the fire in the lounge hit my numb face.

'Wait there' Keaton said as he pointed at the large brown couch facing the burning log fire. I sat down on the couch and before I knew it Keaton was back in the lounge with blanets and hot chocolate. He sat down next to me had handed me a cup, then flicked out the blue fur blanket and layed it over our frozen bodies. I looked down at the blanket and noticed a brown teddy shape sewn into the bottom corner.

'This yours?' I giggle

'Shut up, i've had it since I was a baby' He pushes my arm and laughs back at me

'Hey unless you want hot coco all over your precious little blanket I wouldn't do that' Once again I laugh and sip my drink, with a smug smile still on my face.

'So..Savannah, why were you so reluctant to come with me?'

'This time last year, was the time I was planning to run away. The snow falling and the dark sky just reminded me of everything and..' I took a deep breath 'I was planning to do it again' A tear escaped my eye as I forced out the last part of my sentance.

'Yeah.. I remember Sydney calling me and practically begging to do whatever I could to make you stay' I smiled hearing that, because honestly, knowing how much my friends cared about me made me feel a little bit better about myself, it also made me stay, which made them feel better too.

We continued talking for hours, before I felt my head dropping and my eyes closing. I felt the warm blanket fall over me, covering my body right up to my shoulders, and a pillow placed under my head. Before a light kiss was placed upon my forehead and the words 'sweet dreams princess' were softly spoken, casuing me to fall into a deep sleep.




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