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3 weeks had passed and mom and dad were busy in the office planning a well earned vacation. We hadn't been away as a family for years because of what happened with mom, but figured now would be a good time for a short break.

'SAVANNAH, REANNE , JAI, COME HERE' I heard my dad shouting from downstairs. I jumped up off my bed and made my way down the staircase and into the office. We waited for Reanne and jai to arrive and finally my mom started talking,

'You all know we havent been away for a while, I felt like it was because of me, so I've booked us a holiday' She sounded the most excited out of everyone, well, excluding Jai who was jumping up and down with happiness.

'so where are we going?' Reanne asked


'NO.FREAKING.WAY' Now it was me who was almost jumping around. I had always wanted to go to London ever since I was a little girl. There was something about it that I loved, being a little girl it was probably Buckingham Palace. Still at the age of sixteen I hadnt given up my wish of going, now though, it was probably to go on a mad shopping trip.

'oh my god mom thank you!' I said as I wrapped my arms around her, afterwards Jai and reanne done the same.

I rushed back upstairs and called Sydney,


'How about I dont guess and you just tell me'

'Ugh you suck' we laughed and I continued 'well anyway, im going to LONDON'





'very true, you cant go anywhere without your camera'

'hey you never know when something awesomes gonna happen'

'Im so happy for you ahh, ill text you later, dinners ready, bye!'


Honestly, I was glad to be getting away for a week. I was surprised that my mum booked it though, since shes been constantly saying how bad my grades are. Althought i'm not going to complain, if she doesn't let me go I don't think i'll ever forgive her. A break from school and most importantly Trinity is just what I wanted. There was a knock at my bedroom door, and then my mom poked her head through the gap.

'Hey Savannah'

'yeah mom'

'We're going tomorrow' she smiled and closed the door behind her

'WHAT' I shouted. I have less than 24 hours to pack for a week holiday. No mom couldn't do it this quickly, I had to have more time to figure out what I was packing! I ran to my desk and grabbed my laptop and turned it on. From my closet I grabbed my suitcase and jumped onto my bed to google 'Weather in London,England'. As it was March, the weather here may have been brightening up, but definately not in England. Still cold, ugh. I grabbed an armful of sweaters and jeans, and some other random things from my closet, along with shoes and layed it all out on my soft red rug. Taking a look over everything I decided that would be enough and folded it all up neatly and packed it into the suitcase. I grabbed a couple of things from the bathroom and also shoved them into the bursting suitcase.

When I was done I called Bradley, he answered after 4 rings,

'Hey baby doll' pause 'Uhm, Savannah?'

'SORRY, baby doll reminds me of my favorite song'

'What would that be?'

'Your Song by Mayday Parade. Bradley laughed, he knew that band were my everything.

'Okay well lets make it our song, anyway what did you want to tell me?'

'Aw, Ok short notice but i'm going to London tomorrow'


'Yeah um, kind of a surprise to me as well, I knew we were going on vacation, but I didnt know it would be such short notice'

'Shall I come over tomorrow morning?'

'No can do, we're leaving at 10'

We stayed on the phone for at least an hour before we finally said our goodbyes,


Sunday - 

My alarm went off at 7am, meaning I had 3 hours to get ready. Not as though I needed that long. I headed downstairs to breakfast where mom had cooked us bacon and fried eggs, and then went to have a shower. After showering I wrapped my hair and body in seperate towels before pulling black leggings and a grey sweater from my closet, along with my floral Doc.Martens. I saw my phone screen flash and picked it up from the bedside table, a text message read:

From: Bradley

Have an amazing time in London, take tons of photos <3

After drying and braiding my hair to the side, my phone flashed again

From : Riley


I was ready to leave by about 9:30am. Our flight wasn't until 11 and it didn't take too long to get to the airport, but we decided to leave early becuse missing our flight would be dreadful. Dad hauled all the suitcases and hand luggage into our red land rover and then we set off to the airport.

We arrive at the airport at about 10am and check in all our luggage then grab a starbucks from one of the cafes. Mom rarely gets starbucks apart from at Christmas but i've recently introduced her to the strawberries and cream frappuccino and she can't get enough of it! Soon after, our flight is called and we grab our hand luggage and head to the plane. Showing my passport photo is my least favorite thing, it was taken when I was 13 years old and well, lets not talk about how horrible I looked. 

Our flight is 11 hours long so I'm thankful that I stocked up on magazines last week and hadn't got round to reading them all. That's my in-flight entertainment sorted. I take a seat by the window, which I do on every journey. Even though all i'll see for most of the flight is clouds, I just like the thought of being by the window, I mean, the majority of people do right?

'Savannah wake up were about to land' I open my eyes and look out the window to see pitch black sky. Then remember that it's about 5am in England, i'm going to have to get used to a different time zone for a week. We head to luggage collection and find our bags on the conveyor belt and get a taxi to the hotel/ There were so many different people in London, everyone had their own style, it was really unique in contrast to LA where half most of the year you're sweating and then for a month or two you get to wrap up warm. 

It doesn't take long to reach our stop and we drag our suitcases along the concreate floor to the hotel. It was lit up with floor spotlights and reflected on the giant glass doors. Hanging in the reception area was a giant chandelier and underneath a table with a large vase of coloured flowers. We got our room key and headed to the 4th floor, before finding our room and unlocking the door. It had been a long day and we all decided to get some sleep, althought not much, if we slept too long there would be no chance of getting used to the time zone.

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