//Chapter Five\\

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Honestly, I've been rewriting this from the original I wrote years ago since I started posting. I didn't like the direction my first draft went in, and I really wasn't happy or excited about where it was headed in this version either. But last night I was rereading some old stuff I'd written and I finally got inspiration for where I wanted TABP to go! So here's chapter 5 y'all, thanks for being patient with me!

The minutes blurred into hours, and I couldn't get myself to drift off. My hut was stuffy, and I had too much on my mind for sleep to even be a possibility. Sighing, I threw on my boots and slipped outside, closing my door behind me. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness for a second before making my way in a direction I knew like the back of my hand.

"Thomas?" I whispered. He leaned up in his hammock. "Katy? Are you okay?" Thomas was sitting up straight now, looking at me, concerned. I shrugged, glancing over at Newt's empty hammock, as I replied, "Yeah I'm fine... Just can't sleep is all." Thomas motioned for me to come over and sit by him. I sunk into his hammock, unable to pull my gaze away from the empty one across from us. Thomas and I sat in silence for a moment, and finally I asked the question that'd been nagging me since Newt was found.

"Do you think he jumped?" Thomas released a sigh at my question. "Right now, things don't exactly seem to point in any other direction. I wasn't going to tell you this but I was talking to Clint earlier and..." His voice faded out. I sat there, waiting for him to continue. "Clint said that the cuts Newt had on his arms looked self inflicted, like the same ones he saw years ago the first time. Gally found the knife a few feet away from where we found Newt." My stomach dropped. "But-" I was cut off by my own tears. "He promised!" I choked out. My friend placed his hand on my back, but the tears kept flooding down my face. I leaned into Thomas, thinking that maybe a shoulder to lean on could somehow relieve my troubled mind and heart as well.

"Thomas this is my fault. I shouldn't have yelled at him... I should've believed him. I just don't understand how he could do something like this." For once, Thomas didn't say anything. He simply sat there with his arms wrapped around me. It was the drip of a foreign tear on my own hand that finally made me realize why he had no words; he was just as upset over Newt as I was.

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