Break the Rules (2/2)

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"Great job today, Sam!" I said so I wouldn't have to talk about anything educational in a story about a tutor.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hampton!" He chirped back, closing his designer notebooks and putting his pencils back in his gold-lined pencil case. His eraser was autographed by Barack Obama.

"Actually, it's Miss Hampton. 'Missus' is for married women," I corrected him.

Just as Sam replied "You're too pretty to be single", the door opened and Mr. Winchester walked in. He was wearing a black collared shirt and khaki pants, and with his hair slicked up with mousse, he looked sexy as hell.

"I agree," He said, his green irises looking directly at me. He was like Medusa; I had to look away from that stony gaze.

"Bye, Miss Hampton! Bye old ass brother!" Sam chirped, dashing out of the room.

I covered my mouth to keep from chuckling as I looked up at Mr. Winchester. "What's your age difference, boss?"

"I'm twenty, so twelve years."

"Damn," I said. That's kinda weird, but whatever.

"You've done an amazing job these last few days, Miss Hampton. Sam's teachers are very impressed that his IQ went up a point. As my employee of the month, I would like to reward you by treating you to an unnecessarily expensive buffet."

I was stunned. "You're so nice to me it's kind of creepy."

Mr. Winchester winked. "I know. Are you free tonight after 5 pm?"

I remembered that my parents' anniversary just so happened to be today, so they probably wanted to spend some time alone anyway. "Yes, sir."

"Great. I'll pick you up then," Mr. Winchester said, smiling.

"Has anyone ever told you you look just like Jensen Ackles?" I blurted. "Boss."

Mr. Winchester chuckled. "I've heard that from a few friends, yes. I hope I have his body, too." I laughed. "See you tonight, hon- I mean, Hampton."


I hoped Mr. Winchester found my outfit appropriate. I had chosen to wear a halter white dress with a slightly large neckline that came to right beneath my butt. My parents had already said I looked like a perfectly normal teenager going to dinner with her boss. 

At 5 o'clock, my phone pinged with a text

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At 5 o'clock, my phone pinged with a text.
FROM: Bo$$
I'm on my way :)

I stared at the smiley face, never guessing that Mr. Winchester would be the type to use emojis. I stepped outside, and Mr. Winchester arrived two seconds later in a black limousine. Tutoring, after all, was a very prestigious business. I couldn't resist a smile as I walked up to the door, which Mr. Winchester now opened for me. His eyes were all over my body, and I could see him gulp, barely able to handle how attractive I was. He put his hand on the small of my back as I sat in one of the back seats, and my skin tingled from his touch. A pane of soundproof glass blocked us from the chauffeur. 

When I sat down and he had closed the door, he turned to me and said, "You're the most attractive girl- I mean, employee- I've ever met." I blushed a nonhuman fire engine red. "Oh my God, are your cheeks bleeding?" Mr. Winchester said, concerned.

"What?" My fingers fled to my cheeks, which were thankfully dry. "Oh no, I just blush a lot."

Mr. Winchester smirked. "Oh whew, I thought I was gonna have to pay for your health insurance or something." We both laughed at his cheapness. We continued to talk all the way until we arrived at the rip-off restaurant, Olivia Garden. 

"Do you take all your employees of the month here, boss?" I asked.

"No, just the pretty ones," Mr. Winchester teased, and I rick rolled my eyes.

We entered the building, where a waitress escorted us to our table. She was a blonde with big boobs, which in writer world means you're a total bitch. She stood close to Mr. Winchester as we sat down, and her eyes were on him even while I was giving her my order.

"Excuse me, are you even listening?" I said sharply, irritated. 

"Are you two together?" She asked finally.

I stared at Mr. Winchester, about to laugh when he firmly replied, "Yes." My lips fell shut as I searched his face for an explanation. It was blank.

"Ah," She said, looking a little defeated. 

After she left to get our food, I said, "She meant as dates, sir. She thought we were dating."

Mr. Winchester smiled. "I know."

Before I could ask what he was getting at, our food arrived and I was too hungry to push it any further. We had both ordered Ravioli di Portobello, which was Italian for "good ass food". Mr. Winchester had also ordered each of us a glass of white wine. I tried to protest, but when he insisted that underage drinking was fine, I shrugged and drank away. 

Mr. Winchester stared at me, impressed. "You don't feel sick or anything? You didn't have to drink all of it."

I put the empty glass down and burped, which made him laugh. "Nah mate, I'm a heavyweight."

"Hey, that rhymes," He pointed out, and I remembered saying that about his address. We both laughed and fell for each other.

When the waitress bitch came back to take our plates, I didn't look her in the eye at all, and she quietly asked us to pay for the bill. I didn't even offer to split it; Mr. Winchester was obviously more loaded, and he gladly paid for it. As we walked out, he asked why I had ignored the waitress like that.

I frowned. Why had I acted like that? I mean, any woman could see how hot Mr. Winchester was. I couldn't blame her for trying to hook up with him, which she obviously had tried to do. "She was trying to get your attention, but she's not your type, boss," I said as we sat back in the limo. 

"Oh really?" Mr. Winchester raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Then who is my type?"

I stared at his handsome features then: his long, straight nose, his angular jaw, his thick eyebrows, his artfully messy hair, his bedroom eyes. In his white shirt and black tie, he looked sexier than ever. 

"I am," I declared, and I sat on his lap and straddled his hips, planting a kiss on those luscious pink lips. Even though we had just eaten, his breath was super fresh. He definitely used expensive toothpaste. I pulled away a little, feeling his hot breaths against my face. His eyes widened at what had just taken place.

"I-I'm sorry, boss, I don't know what I was-"

Then he suddenly groaned and pushed my face back onto his. He grew a few more arms so his hands could be all over my body, and I unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his perfect abs. I counted them. He had a ten-pack.

Just then, the car reeled to a stop, and I slid off his lap. Stray hairs covered my face and my lips were slick with saliva. I looked out the window, expecting to be at my house, but instead we were back at Mr. Winchester's mansion. I looked at Mr. Winchester, confused.

"I used my telepathy to tell the driver to skip your house. I hope your parents don't mind."

I smiled. "No sir, they're staying at a hotel until I get back home so they'll never find out." Then I remembered one of Mr. Winchester's golden rules and frowned. "But boss, I'm your employee. If we sleep together, won't you have to sue me?"

Mr. Winchester chuckled. "That rule be headed nowhere. Don't you think I should rewrite it?"


"Are we just gonna keep making bad puns to make up for the fact you're underage and this is actually illegal?"

"But I work for you, Mr. Winchester, and I know every attractive boss under 30 is into that Fifty Shades of Grey shit."

"That's Fifty Shades of Great to hear," Mr. Winchester said, and a rule was broken that night.

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