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"So there's this party at this guys house and we're going."Cameron said leaning against my locker

"Who's this we crap?" I asked shoving my books in my locker

"Come on Charlotte, what's one party going to do?" Gilinsky said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"No Jack! I don't want to go to any parties." I said removing his arm

"Why not?" Johnson asked

"It's a long story and I don't want to talk about it." I said slamming my locker and walking away from the group of guys

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked as he opened the door for me

"The guys want me to go to a party. I don't want to go what happens if he's there and it happens again?" I asked starting to get scared


"Come on babe it's just a party." Nick said as he parked the car

"Nick I don't want to go! You know I don't drink plus I can't drive yet." I looking at the house full of drunk high schoolers

"One drink isn't going to kill me." he said turning off the car and opening his door

"I just want to go home Nick." I said not moving from my spot

"Let's go Charlotte, stop being a baby." He said opening my door.

"I will stay for an hour and then you are taking me home." I said climbing out of the car.

"Good now let's go have fun." he said grabbing my wrist

You could feel the bass from across the street. I sighed as we walked into the house full of drunk teenagers. Some making on on the couch, others on the dancefloor, there were people out back smoking and almost everyone else inside drinking

"What do you want drink babe?" Nick asked leading me into the kitchen

"I'll just take water." I said checking my phone.

"Here you go." Nick said handing me a plastic red cup

I took a sip as the liquid slid down my throat burning a trail. That was not water.

"Nick what did you give me?" I asked setting the cup down

"It's vodka, you need a drink come on loosen up." He said grabbing my arm and dragging me over to the cleared off space where everyone was grinding on each other.

"Nick, I don't like this." I said trying to walk off

"Oh no you don't get back here." he said ripping my back in front of him

"Nick let me go!" I said pulling my arm out of his grasp

"Not a chance! You're mine got it." he said getting in my face

"I'm going outside Nick, meet me out there when you come to your senses." I said walking out through the kitchen grabbing a cup with water random liquid inside. "Bottoms up I guess." I whispered chugging the contents of the cup. It didn't burn as bad but it still burned, i felt a little light headed

"Charlotte babe come here." Nick said walking up to me leaving a sloppy kiss on my neck

"Nick you're drunk get off." I said trying to push him off of me

"No i'm not shut up." He said slapping me

Tears sprung in the corners of my eyes as my vision got even more blurry. My cheek stung and was most likely red.

Better Then He Can - s.m.Where stories live. Discover now