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"Nick?" I asked rubbing my eyes

"What's wrong princess?" he said sinking next to me

"He kissed her, I like him so much!" I cried into his shoulder

"It's okay Babygirl, i'm here." He said picking me up

I buried my head into his chest taking in his familiar scent. He walked into the house sitting down on the couch laying me beside him. This was the Nick I fell in love with.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked running his hands through my hair

"No, I just want you to hold me." I whimpered into his chest

"I can handle that." He smiled kissing the top of my head

"Charlotte, do you want to go to the movies?" He said looking down at me

"Yeah sure, Can we go by my house so I can change?" I said looking down at my bikini

"Of course Baby." He smiled standing up

"Thank you!" I smiled grabbing his hand

We hopped into car and drove down onto my street. I noticed all the guys were out front waiting for me. Nick parked his car getting out with me.

"Charlotte, what is he doing here?" Shawn said walking over to Nick and me

"He's taking me to the movies." I said walking past him

"Char, You can't be serious!" Cameron said walking up to my handing me my bag and towel

"I am Cameron! Now stop." I said grabbing my keys out of my bag

I opened the door as Nick followed me into the house. All the guy's giving him glares as I walked up the stairs.

"I'm going to change and fix my makeup, i'll be back in about 10! Do not kill each other!" I said going back to my room

I locked the door just to make sure no one was coming in. I slid my bikini top off replacing it with a strapless bra. I threw on a white skull top. I took the bottoms off wiggling into a pair of ripped skinnies. I put my ballet flats on before taking down my hair and running my brush through it. It was a wavy mess, just how I liked it. I carefully winged my eyeliner and applied a deep red lipstick. I grabbed my purse and walked down the hall. I could hear the guys argue, I quickly stopped.

"Why would she come to you? You ruined her life!" I heard Shawn yell

"Why wouldn't she? I mean at least I didn't kiss another girl in front of her." Nick said step forward

"I didn't know she was behind us!" Shawn said through gritted teeth

"It doesn't matter! You still hurt her!" Nick laughed  crossing his arms

"Like you have room to talk! You abused her physically and mentally for 5 months!"Shawn said

I walked down the steps looking at the two boys almost at each other's throats. Everyone standing up beside Shawn.

"ENOUGH! I've had it!" I yelled

Everyone's eyes shot in my direction. Nick and Shawn stared at the ground knowing what they had done.

"Everyone leave!" I said pointing to the door

I got off the steps and grabbed Nick's hand, locking the door behind me. I turned to feel a pair of lips smashed to mine.

"Charlotte, will you take me back?" Nick asked everyone watching

"I would be stupid if I said No." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck

Better Then He Can - s.m.Where stories live. Discover now