Truth be told

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The trailer is starting to fill up. When Megan realizes the leak she starts freaking out and trying to get out of it. "Stop moving so much, your only making more water come in," i yell over all the banging sounds shes making. Then all of a sudden Megan is...Megan again. 

"I can't be submerged in water. It will kill me. I'm a fire dragon, water wil destroy me," she says jumping on my back, piggy back style. 

"How do you know all this? You just changed into a dragon, and by the looks of it, you were pretty freaked out."

"Once i discover a new power, i get an overwhelming rush of knowledge. Then I know the ins and outs of everything. Especially the dangers, and right now Haily, i am in danger."

"YOU," i yell dropping her off my back and ignoring her over dramatic screams for help, "yeah well guess what? i can drown just as quick as you can. Why don't you change into something useful, like a battering ram so i can bust down this door?"

"Uh, sorry sis but your not bashing me into any walls."

"Then change into something small and crawl between the crack in the door where the waters coming through."

"HAILY, your a freakin genius i swear," she yells. 

I sit there in my own little bubble of glory and smarts while the rainbow swirls fill the trailer. The waters about up to my belly button. Next thing i know Megan is a lizard this time. She was actually able to control it. Instead of being 400 times the size of a lizard, shes plain, tiny, and shes also our only way out. She slips through the tiny crack in between the two doors. I see those pretty lights through the crack then hear the most beautiful thing; the doors unlocking. The doors open and im flooded with sunlight and...more water. I swim out as fast as i can and crawl up on the top of it with Megan.

Now what?

Megan turns into the dragon again and i climb up onto her back. "You do know how to do this right," I ask.

"What? Fly? Uh, no but I'll give it a shot," she replies as wings four times bigger than I am, spread out. Slowly we lift off the ground and we're air bound. I've never flown in an airplane or anything that took me off solid ground. This experience is one i will never forget. That's when a question arises.

"What happens if someone sees us?"

"I'll just alter their memory or something."

"Okay Megan, you promised me when we were younger, that you would explain so...i think its time," I push.

"Fine but I'm taking us home first."

"NO YOU ARE NOT!!! We'll sneak into an abandoned house or something. I'm not going back Megan. I don't have a home. He's not my father and you aren't my sister. I'm sorry if its harsh but hey life sucks sometimes. I don't want to hear about how hard you have it because your always changing and blah, blah, blah. I am adopted by people who kept it a secret my whole life. My real mother loves her precious princess bitches more than me, and my dad stuck around for them. I was a mistake, an accident. I should have never been born," i start to cry.

Its silent for a minute then Megan says, "My father might have lied, your mother or your father might not want you, but damn it Haily, you ARE my sister! If you were never born, who would i talk to? I would go insane if i had to keep all this power locked up inside me. We'll talk. We'll go wherever you want. I want you to know though. I have to go back."

I nod and we just keep soaring through the air. The wind is cold on my wet face and hell on my dry eyes. I just want to be in one place where I actually feel loved and wanted. I just want one person to not lie to me. I cant keep getting deceived by people that i care about. All of this is turning me cold to the world. Cold to everyone but one person. Megan.

We land in the yard of a ratty old house. As soon as i climb down from Megan's back I'm walking up the front porch steps. This; is my new home. I don't care if i sleep with rats or spider....okay maybe i care about the spiders. Here is where i can be me, simple as that. Megan comes strolling in after me and to our surprise its completely furnished. Megan laughs at my shock, "Apparently you missed the huge for closed sign in the yard." 

"Haha, apparently," i say back sarcastically, "Have a seat its time to explain."

Megan beings....

"A really really long time ago when my mom was about 8 years old, her mother died in a car accident. It was quite similar to the one our mother was in. Her mom brought her into the hospital room and sat her down to tell her of when she got her powers and what she would one day permanently become. She then willed all of her power to my mom. Our mom was just like me. A fire dragon. All water becomes the complete and total enemy once you have changed into your full dragon form. There are also water dragons. Water dragons and fire dragons have been at war for centuries. Every since the beginning. The very first water dragon betrayed the trust of a fire dragon and every since then a war has waged among our kind. For water dragons, fire is the enemy. As you could imagine, a fight between the two could become very messy. For years, these powers have been passed down to all warriors and once we reach 16, we get a trainer. Our trainer shows us how to control these powers. How to change faster, become stronger, stealthier, faster, and better than the enemy. Problem is, water dragons undergo the same training. Its like two completely alike beings fighting. All the same predictable moves, down to the grain. Honestly I'm scared and i would love for this war to be over. Its pointless to me for two completely alike beings to hate each other so much."

"So how did the first one betray the other," i ask, completely enthralled in her story.

"Our old enemies use to be the earth dragons. They trained constantly and thought they were better than us. They became to sure of themselves and started stealing from us. Watching us train and stealing our moves. Using them against us. The water and fire dragons use to be as one, against the earth dragons. Our army was united and the war was suppose to be waged against them. The first water dragon was leaking our information, our tactics, our routines, to the earth dragons. He would go and tell the earth dragons right after consulting with the fire dragons. His treachery caused the death of many fire dragons, also the death of many water dragons. So many water dragons fell, the species almost ended there."

"So your pretty much going to be trained to kill other dragons and thats your main purpose in life? Thats it?"

"Yepp. Thats it Haily. I got to go though so that atleast i will be home when my dad gets home from work. What do you suppose I tell him as to why you arent home," she asks.

"Tell him i left to live with my real mom, then alter her mind to think I moved in with them. I have a feeling he might call them."

"Okay sis, I will be back to check on you," she waves and then disappears into her swirls.

A little while after shes gone, I realize im toally and completely bored out of my mind. I decide im gonna go for a walk. I walk into town and see if i might be able to snatch some fruit from a fruit stand or something. The thought of food makes my stomach growl. I pass a grocery store with a fruit stand outside on my left and stick my hand out and grab an apple. I walk casually walk around the corner and bite into it.  I feel a tap on my shoulder. 


"Ya know, if your that hungry, I'll buy you dinner."

I'm staring at the most beautiful man I've seen in my entire life, Psshhtt i aint got time for guys. "No thanks I'm fine," i say as i turn to walk away.

Then he's in front of me again, "Really if your so fine why did u steal an apple thats only a qauter? Where do you stay at?"

What the fucks up with all this random dude's questions? "Look man, I dont know you and i sure as hell aint going to tell you where i live so how about you move the fuck out of my way and let me get on with my life. So what? I stole a 25 cent apple. Big deal, what are you a cop?"

"Yes mam, I am."

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