Chapter 7: The Goddess Alys Returns!

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Kon'nichiwa, my fans! ~♥ I'm in a really good mood now, since I was able to update today! ^.^  I don't know why, but I had a lot of fun writing this chapter!  I guess it's just because I make a really nice point in this one. c:  I hope you all like it!!  School is driving me crazy.  We have these assistant teachers that come from college to try teaching...and the one that's for my Biology class cannot teach, I shit you not.  *sigh* Oh well.  Onto the story, ne?  I dedicate this chapter to fairytailnalu1~♥  Thanks so much for being such an amazing friend!!  Please go check out his NaLu Fan Fictions; they are amazing!!  Feedback is greatly appreciated, and until next time everyone!

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"I can't believe Lucy is Alys!"  Happy exclaimed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Erza nodded.  "It certainly is a surprise..."

Happy turned to Natsu, who was deep in thought.  "What do you think, Natsu?"

Natsu's face was impassive, and he had his arms crossed as he thought the occurence over.  Without making a noise, Natsu closed his eyes in remembrance.

"A-Alafan...?"  Lucy murmured, hesitating in surprise.

Alafan continued to cry as he hugged Lucy tightly, relieved.

"Welcome back, Alys...!"  Alafan murmured, holding back his tears as he smiled.

Lucy's expression of surprise softened into warmth and amusement, and she let him hug her, her arms hanging limply by her sides.  The staff still located in her left hand, Lucy set her right hand on Alafan's shoulder.

Lucy blushed in comfort, smiling softly.

"I'm home, Alafan."  She murmured.

Natsu opened his eyes again after a moment, and returned his gaze to his comrades.  "I just wonder what Lucy is going to do about all of this."

Shortly after Lucy had let go of the staff, she had collapsed to the ground, and Alafan had taken her to the infirmary to rest.  That was where Erza, Gray, Wendy and Charle, and Happy and Natsu were right now.  They were waiting to see if she was okay.

Suddenly, Alafan opened the door and walked into the extra room that Natsu and the others were in, and everyone stood up.

"How's Lucy?"  Natsu asked, looking at Alafan intently.

Alafan gave them a reasurring smile.  "She's alright.  She just collapsed in exhaustion from releasing so much power at once."

Everyone sighed in relief.

"Ne, when will she wake up?"  Happy asked, now on the floor, standing.

"Soon, I'm sure?"  Gray guessed, and Alafan confirmed it by nodding.

Alafan looked at all of them.  "She should be waking up in a few hours, at the most.  Until then,"  Alafan started walking outside into the hallway, and everyone followed.  "I have a very important announcement to make to the Daonei people."

"Charle and I will stay with Lucy,"  Wendy replied, looking determined.  "We'll tell her to come out if she's feeling better."

Alafan nodded.  "Thank you, Wendy.  That's a great deal of help,"  He turned back to the rest of the Fairy Tail guild members.  "If you all can follow me...?"

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