Chapter 17: Fighting Against the Four

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Hello, everyone! ♥ It's time; I finally updated, haha!  Sorry it took me so long, haha.  It's just for the past days of break I haven't wanted to do anything except rest.  I mean, I was just soo lazy!  But, I hope you all had a nice Christmas!  I sure did!  If you want, care to share the stuff you got?  I'm always curious to know what you all got, haha!  Anyways, I again apologize for the wait; I hope this chapter makes up for it, though. c:

In the multimedia is both a poster and song. c:  The poster is of Natsu, and one of the things he says just in this chapter~  It's just to give you a good feel of the situation, ne?  The song is "Start Again", by Red.  I really love this band, and have listened to it for a long time. c':  I think it goes really good with the story, and a good fighting song between Natsu and Donovan!

I dedicate this chapter to starryflames; thanks for being such a good friend; I hope we can talk more soon!! ♥ Please tell me how you like the fighting, the dialogue, etc...I really want to your opinions!  Thanks so much for reading, and remember; feedback is greatly appreciated!  Until the next chapter, minna!

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"Salamander better be takin' care of things!"  Gajeel snarled, slamming his arm into multiple Black Brigades at once.

"Like a man, like a man, like a man!"  Elfman exclaimed, slashing at the evil soldiers one after another.

Gajeel crossed his iron arms as a force of air slammed into him and sent him sliding backwards against the dirt.  Lifting his head, his expression was slightly strained.  "These bastards are getting on my nerves!"

"Kee going, Gajeel!"  Lily exclaimed, not far from him as he swung his axe around, dodging as Black Brigades fired at him.

Mira shot up into the sky, transforming into Satan's Soul as she did so.  Spreading out her hands, she faced the battle ground high in the air, the large waves of Black Brigades looking like ants beneath her.

"Try and dodge this!"  Mira exclaimed in a demonic voice, a large yellow orb shooting out from her palm and expanding extremely quickly.

It grew to the size of four football fields, slamming into the earth and the warriors of the Horsemen gigantically.  The ground rumbled, and when the blast cleared, the earth was burnt and smoking.  However, more anti-Sky Brigades took the fallen's place, silent yet deadly corpses.

"There's so many of these things!"  Freed exclaimed, floating in the air a few feet away from Mira, his sword in his hand.

A sudden bolt of lightning struck the ground, moving quickly and electrocuting the anti-Sky Brigades, making them evaporate.  It was then that Laxus appeared with lighting cracking around his body.  "Well, we'll have them cleared out soon anyway."

"Gahaha!  It looks like Fairy Tail is having difficulties!"  A voice exclaimed.

Everyone looked up, seeing two figures drop to the ground not far from them.  The Black Brigades stopped their attack, standing obediently around the guests.

Gajeel smirked.  "You're those Four Horsemen snakes..."

Keiran smirked, his smile just as dark and vile.  "I've been looking to fighting you, Fairy Tail."

Selena was silent, her eyes flashing.

"Gehee; time for a real fight!"  Gajeel exclaimed, taking a few steps forward.

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