This is crazy... Right??!

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(So the concert had ended with Night Changes and everyone is getting ready to leave, if not already left.)

Makinleys POV:
Oh God he just dropped my phone, crap, what do I do, he's Harry styles?
Harry motions at me to get on stage and talk to him, so I work my way up the stage, and get on it.
" Hi, I'm Harry, I'm so sorry about what just happened, what can I do?"  Harry says.
I look at him.
" Oh, it's fine, I mean the worst  that could happen is that I have to buy a new phone."
Wait why am I Saying this, c'mom Makinley you're talking to Harry styles one on one and that's what you have to say?? Great. Just Great.
" No, no. This is my fault and I'm not going to let you go home with a broken phone."
Harry says.
" Um we are at your concert, how am I supposed to get a new phone." I reply back
To him.
" I'll take you to a store." He says.
" Harry, really it's late and you don't have to." I say.
" Yes I do. What's your name by the way?"
He asks.
" Oh right, um. It's Makinley." I say
"Well it's really nice to meet you Makinley, you have a beautiful name." Harry says.
I think In my head, yep I'm totally fan-girling right now.
" Thank you."
" I know it's late and we just met, but there's a target down the road and they have new phones with the carriers. We can go there and solve the problem." Harry insisted.
" Ok, that sounds great, I just... My bestfriend is in the crowd, what do I tell her?" I
Ask Harry.
" She can come along, and hang out with the guys while you and I go
Into target" Harry says.
"Ok, let me get her."
I turn and walk to the Edge of the stage.
"Jessah! Jessah! Harry is going to take me to target, and get a new phone."
Jessah looks at me crazy.
"Yeah I know, I can't believe that sentence came out of my mouth either, now let's go. "
"Oh, ok. Yeah." Jessah nods in shock and gets up on the stage.
" Lets go meet the boys and take care of that phone of yours."
"Wait what?" I say to him.
"I'm bringing you to meet the guys."
Harry says.
"Oh ok."
So Harry and Jessah meet and then we walk behind stage, and into this big room.
" ahhhhh no I'm sorry" someone is screaming. I'm pretty  sure it's Liam Payne.
" Haha" Harry Jessah and I laugh.
"Hey Guys, there's some people I'd like you to
Meet." Harry says sweetly and looks at me.
I smile back at him
The boys all come around. First Niall, then Liam, the Louis and then Zayn.
"This is Makinley" Harry says as he raps his arm around me, and I'm pretty sure he gave me the biggest and I mean biggest butterflies I have ever felt.
" And this is Jesaah ,Makinleys bestfriend." Harry says and Jessah waves.
" I'm Niall, I'm Louis, I'm Liam and I'm Zayn." They all say and we greet and warm up to each other.
Harry looks at me and smiles, I could see it in his eyes he was right where he wanted to be, he was happy, and so was I.  Even though we just he met and things were just starting out for us, we both felt it. I looked at him and be smiled back Bc he knew, we were in love. It's crazy really, Bc I never knew I could fall in love that crazy, and it wasn't Bc he is Harry styles from One Direction or a famous teen heartthrob, but Bc he was him. And Bc of the way he looked at me and the way he smiled at me, and the way he touched me. We both knew. And then I thanked God, Bc ID been in relationships before and they've never felt like this. But I guess that's what people talk ably when they are doscussimg true love, it happens in a instance, without you knowing and then all of a sudden 5 seconds after meeting them you just know, Bc out of all the guys that have ever touched you, no one made you feel the way he did, Uncontroble butterflies. It was right. We both knew it.
But what do I know. I've only known him 10 minutes.

A few minutes later
"Alright, let's go." Harry says.
We all follow Harry and walk outside. We quickly get in the limo and drive off. All 7 of us in the car.
We talk and laugh
"So Makinley, how old are you?"
I look at Niall.
" I'm 18"
Harry looks at me and smiles 
" really, I thought for sure you were 21." Louis says.
" Really? That's what you thought?"  I say back.
" yes. Really, you look very mature."
" thank you Louis."  I say.
"So what is your favorite thing to do Makinley?" Liam asks.
"UM, well I actually act. I always have loved it, and my plan was actually to try and pursue  it. Not a lot of people believe in me, or think it's a good idea, but when you're born with a talent you have passion for, you can't really ignore it." I reply.
" Wow, that's right. People only can imagine things that are safe, no risks, just a normal life." Liam says.
" Exactly. I just want to prove them wrong, and also get to do the thing I love more than  anything, and learn more as I go."
" so where are you from?" Zayn asks.
" well I was actually born here in Calfornia. San Diego, At the marine hospital. My Dad was a marine and trained at camp Pendleton. But then we moved to Clemson, South Carolina, where my parents families are."
I say
" oh wow, ok."
Yeah I was planning on moving here ever since I was little and now I am.
"You're moving here?" Harry asks with a sort of smile/cute grin.
I smile as I say "yeS"
" that's great"
" yeah and I actually need some lifters and helpers to get the stuff into the apartment, so Maybe I can convince  you guys.. Haha" I
Laugh and look at the boys. 
" I would love to help." Harry saysz and the bits agree.
" ok well we are at target. How about Jessah can stay with Liam Louis Niall and Zayn and you guys go back to my house, and we will meet back with in and out and movies?"
Harry says.
" yes that sounds amazing" the boys say.
Ok see you all later"  Harry says.
" Jessah you alright?"
"Yep, Makinley, I'm fine, see you two later"
She gives me a dirty smirk and I give her the " knock if off" face. 
" Alright Makinley, you ready?"
" yes I am."
Harry and I make it into the store and they are Closing in 2 hours so let's hope this doesn't take too long.
" it's in the back" Harry says,
" ok let's go" and I yawn.
" you tired? " Harry asks.
"  I am a little." I say back.
"Wait right here, I'll go get us some coffee, Starbucks, from the register section, what flavor?"  He asks
" French Vanilla please." I say
" Yes Ma'm" he walks off and I wait.
I look at some necklaces while waiting, and not the ones hanging on things, but the beautiful ones in the glass doors. I saw the most beautiful necklace, it was diamond, tiny diamonds and just wow. I was looking at it and...

*Harrys POV*

I buy us the drinks, and then head over to
Makinley, and I notice she was looking at this necklace, she looked like she saw the most beautiful thing. I didn't let her see me, watch her, but she was just admiring the piece of jewelry. She looked beautiful. I really am warming up to her.
I walk up to her and she turns and smiles at me.
" You ready?" Makinley asks.
" yes I am."
We walk to the back and try and find a worker.
" Hi, Excuse me???!" I say.
A 20 something year old girl comes up.
" Do you need any help?"
(*something just happens to
My phone guys and it like deleted tons of paragraphs I had here so sorry if this one party isn't that descriptive)*
"yes actually, um, my girl- um. Makinley needs a new phone. "
" ok what are you looking for?" 
" pick which ever one you'd like"

"Ok, I'd like the Gold iPhone 6s Plus, please."

" good choice"
Harry says to me and winks
" I know right?!" We both laugh
The lady walks out to get the phone. "
Thank you " I say
" for what" Harry says
"For all of this"
" well what kind of a guy would I be if I let you go home with a broken Phone. Plus it was worth it, I'm enjoying this, and I'd really
Like to get to know you."

"Me? Really"
I say to him.
Then the lady comes back
She tells us that it wil be a whole and she gets all my info and starts to get everything taken care of so Harry and I go sit in an isle and talk.

Harry Styles Fan Fic: started with a crackWhere stories live. Discover now