The aftershock

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I woke up in my bed smiling, thinking about the night before, only Harry and I knew what had happened, and I liked it that way, it was ours. Our night, our kiss. It was special, who knew going to a one direction concert, Harry styles grabbing your phone to sing to it, and then dropping it which caused it to be  completely destroyed, would lead to this.
And that was amazing. I love how he got to know me instead of going to fix my phone and being like, sorry about that and then we go our separate ways, but no, it didn't work out hay way, God lead us to each other. I knew it. We were drawn to each other and we had to know more about one another. So we did, and so we are.
It's my favorite thing to learn. Things about him.
I say up to look at my phone, and I had a text message.
From: Harry
***Hey you. I wanted to check up on you. Did you sleep well? I am out running errands, but after would you like to grab coffee and later lunch?***

So I reply


I sent Makinley a message and I'm waiting for her to reply, I wonder if she's up yet.
Then my phone goes off. I check it

From: Makinley
** Hey i would love to, pick a time. After we can come to my place and you can help me unpack???? **
Haha she's been hinting about the unpacking a lot, I'd love to help her, so I will.


I got up after sending the message to go to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror. I decided to take a shower but before I took one I checked my phone one more time.
*Message from Harry* I opened it.
From: Harry
** That sounds wonderful , and how about 12, and then I will stay all day. Can't wait to see you. xoxo H**

So I send him back this.

**Ok Harry, I can't wait, I'll see you at 12.
I hit send and then I grab a towel and get in the shower.
I get out and feel so good. Clean is good. Lol
I get out and dry off, then I go balc into my room and open up my closet.
"What to wear what to wear ??" I say to myself.
I finally pick out an outfit.
I put it on and then I pull my hair up and do my makeup, that's a process we all know, then I leave my hair naturally curly and long, 😘😍
Then i go to my room and watch Netflix  on my laptop. I watch Gossip girl, as usual.
Then I realize that it's 11:59.
"Crap" I say
Then I hear a knock on my door.
" Hey Makinley, it's me." He says. I smile really big and then try to calm down alittle bit and not smile as much lol.
I let him him.
" Hey" he says.
"Hey" I say back and he wraps me in his arms.
And the butterfly's and chills are back again.
" ready to go?" He says in my ear.
I smile and so does he
" yes, I am let's go." I say to him and we head out.
"What about..." I was gonna ask about the PAPs but I didn't want to bring it up idk.
"What about what?" Harry asks.
" oh never mind... " I say.
"No what is it, you look like you want to say it, do just say it." Harry saysz
"What about the paparazzi?" I say.
Harry looks at me.
" don't they give you a lot of crap, and make up stories, I don't want to cause any trouble being out here with you." I say.
"No,Makinley, you're not, if they take pictures, who cares. We are doing exactly what we planed to do, and they can't get in the way of it." Harry says assuring me.
"Ok I just don't want you to be bothered or hurt." I say. " I
Mean I'm not sure what it's like but I just you know."
" yeah I know and I don't want you to ever worry about it, I just want to protect you from them, because they push themselves on people, but I'll be there if it happens, and it won't ever happen again."
" thank you harry." I say.
"Of course, Love" he says back.
We continue our drive in his black Range Rover, and we laugh and sing to
"Oh turn this up." I say because one of my favorite songs came on, "night changes" yeah I know. But it came on and it's my favorite song right now, so duh.
He turns it up and smiles. "Now I can't sing so
Don't judge When I do, we all know you can haha" I say to Harry, he puts his hands up in defense. Haha we both giggle. The song goes on and then I point to Harry when the ending comes and he sings his heart out.
We laugh and then just the way you are comes on 98.1 and you know they are all about putting on some Bruno Mars, and that's fine with me I love Bruno Mars.
The song starts and it's so sweet, Harry looks at me and smiles. Then he focuses on the road. I start to blush but I'm not sure why. I just love this song, and how sweet it is, and I want a boy to someday feel that way about me and to say those things to me as well. Who doesn't.
"I love that song." I say.
Harry looks at me.
"Yeah Bruno rights some good stuff." Harry says.
"Just Bruno, huh?, what you guys on first name basis now? Buddies???!" I say and giggle.
" yeah I've met him a few times, cool dude" Harry says.
"Lucky." I say back and role my eyes.
" oh but you know what I saw on Instagram?"
I look at Harry.
"Haha a picture of you on the red carpet, and then there is Brittany spears with her mouth wide open, and the caption was like " I guess even stars get starstruck." It was so funny, she must really love you and One Direction.. Haha." I say.
"Really? I think I saw the same post"
Hahah we both laugh.
"So where are we getting coffee?" I ask.
" Starbucks?" Harry suggests.
"Perfect" I say.
We go and we go through the drive through Bc we are going to enjoy our coffee and walk around.
" it's warm out and I'm feeling a ice coffee." I say and look at Harry.
"Ok what kind? " he asks.
"Carmel mochotti." I say.
"Ok." He says back.
I smile.
We drove up to the order thing, and Harry says what we want and then we get to the window... The Girl is speechless. Haha it was cute.
" you're you you are you're you're... HARRY STYLES, she gets her friend and now they both are freaking out, I try not to laugh, but it's so
Cute. Harry is smiling and then they ask to get a Pictire Harry says yes, so they bend far enough to to reach Harrys head and Harry reaches out of the car and snaps the selfie. They say their goodbyes and give us our coffee.
" thank you."
They say and we say the same.
"Haha, that was cute. In the short amount I've been with you I've seen three different people meet you and react so cutely." Haha they love you.
" cutely?"
Harry says joking around with me.
"Hey , don't mock my words. It's cute seeing you with your fans and how much they love you." I say.
"Yeah they're pretty great. I'm blessed." Harry says.
"Yes you are, you are very talented." I
Say to him.
We laugh and talk more, and continue our drive. We pull over on this road that is very nice and we just sit and talk in the car about all kinds of things.
"So do you hang out with the guys a lot?" I
"Yeah I do, they are my bestfriends, more like brothers, but we also all have our own lives, with our  own friends, to." Harry says back. "
"Oh that's good. I really liked them all. They were very nice." I say.
"Yep, they are, so who's your favorite out of us, I mean obviously you're a fan, you came to
Our concert?" Harry asks.
I smile.
"It's you, believe it or not." I say.
"Really?" Harry says, grinning ear to ear.
"Yep, it's you. Not kidding." I say and smile at him, he smiles bAck.
"So what else are we gonna do today?" Harry asks.
"Well I was thinking we could go by target, I need to pick up a few things for the apartment, if that's ok, with you?" I say.
"Yeah it's fine. Let's go." Harry says and smiles at me.
" are you sure? We don't have to, it's ok if you don't." I say to him.
"No, Makinley, you need to go, let's go." Harry says to me.
"Ok, let's go." I say.
So we are driving and I'm looking out the window. All the palm trees. I just love it, and I am so glad to be back.

Harry Styles Fan Fic: started with a crackWhere stories live. Discover now