Chapter 46

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I tried to rush over to her, but my instructor twisted my arm behind me and scolded, "I know she's your friend. But it is a direct order to stay where you are." 

I gulped, not taking my eyes off her, and nodded, "Yes sir." 

Athena was gasping in pain, clutching at the bar, fingers sliding off it, turning pale. 

Her instructor jogged over and lifted the bar, tossing it aside. It collided with the floor with a sharp metal tang

Athena cried out in pain and I grimaced, biting my lip. 

That was the first time I noticed Jon in the room. Duh, assistant Training person or whatever. He lifted her up, nodding to my instructor. "Keep going," He said, and carried Athena swiftly out the door. I could still hear her tortured cries as he carried her down the hall. 

"You heard him," My instructor growled, "Proceed." They move on so quickly, like nothing even happened.

And then it was my turn. 

I did well in everything, I thought, my gun marks a little sloppy. "That could get ya killed," My instructor warned, but looked impressed with the rest of my performance. 

Once everyone was done, the instructors grouped together and announced, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE. EARLY DISMISSAL TODAY." 

I was too tired the next day to get up, Charlotte had to call my name "many times" (this was her claim but most likely a hyperbole) and Alice smacked my arm 

"Ouch..." I mumbled, trying to roll over. 

"Ohhh no you don't," She said, stripping the blankets off me. 

"Hey!" I said, but got up. 

We got the boys, as usual, and walked to class together. Athena wasn't there, and I felt strangely at peace, although it was terrible what'd happened to her. 

The instructors had us sit on the floor. "If we call your name, please come stand at the front." 

The room was silent. 

"Jack. Drew. Marisa. Jacob. Autumn. Hailey. Asher. Charlotte. Lucy. Adam. Alyssa. Derick." He paused, "That is all. Those of you remaining in medium and advanced class, you will be grouped together for the remainder of the course. Those whose names have been called, follow me." 

I shot Charlotte a glance, What are we doing? She shrugged slightly. I tried to catch Asher's gaze but he didn't look my way. I bumped Drew on the way, "Know what we're doing?" 

"Maybe we're finally going into combat," He replied.

The instructor made us march into a line, cleared his throat, and looked us up and down, walking down the line. 

"You are highly trained and ready for battle and rescue missions. You will serve your country greatly. Your first mission will be given to you on this note card," He flashed several of them. "You will be paired with two new members and one familiar one. Nobody moves until I say so." 

"First team: Derick, Hailey, Charlotte, and Drew." I listened for my name, and risked a glance at Charlotte. 

"Second team: Lucy, Adam, Alyssa, and Jacob." Nobody I recognized there, but Lucy and Adam were grinning at each other. So we're being split up... 

"Third team: Jack, Marisa, Autumn, and Asher." I glanced at Asher but he didn't notice. 

The instructor went around and handed out three manilla folders. Asher got one, but I noticed neither Drew or Charlotte did. 

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