Chapter 25

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We meandered across the sterile white and blue tile, my mind numb, legs weak, arms sore. Asher didn't complain, so I didn't either. 

"What if we don't find them?" I mumbled to myself, and Asher spun and looked at me directly, his gaze unwavering. I got distracted and wondered how many freckles were sprinkled on his nose. 

"We're going to," He assured, his voice steel. We walked by another room with a glass window.

"Let's check here," I said, and despite my pain, bounced up to the window. 

Asher lifted the clipboard out of the slot. 

I peered into the window, but all I could see was a white lump where the bed was. "Hey Asher, anyone we know? I turned towards him and recoiled in shock. 

"Oh my God." Asher was pale, and he dropped the clipboard. 

"Wha... what's wrong?" I mumbled, almost afraid to know. 

Asher didn't answer, just shot me a pained side glance and body-slammed the glass, making it shatter in two hits. I didn't know how to help so I picked up the clipboard and read it. 

100 pounds, light skin, brown hair, a-effectiveness, 15-4. SC- section 2.1 twin 

I didn't fully understand the words, but twin caught my eye. I tugged the clipboard back into it's slot and jumped over the window into the room. 

Asher was sitting by the bed, his head down. I'd never seen him looking so defeated and sad, ever. It was strange. I approached him carefully, like he was a rabid animal. I couldn't bring myself to speak, although the words were screaming in my mind. Luke was in the bed, sheet pulled up to his chin, barely breathing. A deep purple liquid dripped to his arm from a small bag that hung above his bed. I wondered what it was, helpful or harmful. 

I looked over at Asher worriedly, and he wouldn't meet my eyes. "Asher?" He lifted his gaze to my chin, blinked, and washed it over my eyes before I got a chance to say anything. 

"Luke," He said, his voice urgent and husky, "LUKE!" My heart panged for him, and my breath dropped away as I realized Luke wasn't stirring. "Luke, get up," Asher begged, shaking Luke's shoulder. "Luke," His voice cracked. "No!" He hit the bed with his fist, flesh against metal. 

I found myself wanting Luke to wake up desperately. I stared at his still face, willing him to wake. 

Asher fell silent and locked his jaw hard. I ducked my head to get a glimpse at his face. Asher looked away, his eyes angry and wet. 

"Asher... I'm so sorry..." I timidly rested my hand on top of his, which was tense. He let out a long, shaky breath. 

He shook his head, turning it away from my view. "We should go." His voice was uneven, emotional. I wasn't used to it, and that scared me. 

"What?" I said, sounding lost. 

"We.Should. Go," He managed again, getting up from the bed suddenly, but reluctantly. "He's not going to wake up." 

"Maybe if we," I started to say timidly. 

"NO!" He barked, interrupting me, avoiding my eyes at all cost. 

My voice caught in my throat, and I took a teary glance at Luke. 

"No," Asher's voice was softer this time, gentle. Defeated. "He's not going to wake up." He turned to face me, two tears on his cheek, shoulders drooping, vulnerable. 

I ran to him, ignoring the pains that shot up my body. He wrapped his arms around me, and I breathed in his scent. He was trembling, but I knew he wouldn't want to show it so I didn't say anything, running my fingers through his hair, on his neck; I wanted him to feel better. "It's ok," I found myself murmuring near his collarbone, "It's ok." He took a huge breath and stuck his nose in the nook of my shoulder. He'd broken, after days of remaining calm and tough through this crazy situation. 

We climbed out of the window, hopped into the hallway, and started to retreat the way we'd come. 

"Would 2.1 on the clipboard mean section two first door?" I said, thinking out loud but not particularly talking to him, "And what about Isla?" I squeezed his hand. 

"Isla's awake by now," He mumbled, "So I don't know where we should go." 

"Take a right, I don't wanna cross her again," I said, wheeling my feet to the right. We came to yet another hallway, identical to ours. 

How big is this place and why isn't there any maps, I grumbled in my head. 

Tiredly, I lifted another clipboard out of the slot and read it. Asher peered into the window. "Hey Autumn, she's awake too." I quickly fumbled the clipboard back into place and looked over his shoulder. She had the same markings as we did, 88 pounds, brown hair, etc. 

"It's Alice! ALICE!! ALICE CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I screamed, the sound echoing through the hallways and I winced. She didn't turn her head. 

She was inside, walking around, her palm on the wall, inspecting it with great attention. 

"ALICE!" Asher and I called at the same time, and she spun around, narrowing her eyes at the mirror. 

"Autumn?" She said, but I couldn't hear through the thick glass. Asher kicked the glass and it crumbled from his shoe. I helped him, nearly falling in, and Alice ran to the window and watched curiously. Asher and I kicked the window at the same time, and it gave in, spraying shards all over the floor. 

"Alice!" I cried, jumping into the room and grabbing her by a hug. 

"Autumn! Asher!" She hugged me tight and looked over my shoulder to see Asher. "I'm so glad to see you guys! I was starting to go crazy in this white room!" I chuckled easily, and Asher cleared his throat behind us. 

"We should probably keep it down since we broke Isla's mirror," He said, looking at us for a brief second and then staring at the floor. 

"Oh, Asher!" Alice spread her arms out wide, jumped over the two feet boundary between the tiled hallway and the white room, and scooped Asher in for a hug. "I'm happy to see you!" He patted her back awkwardly until she pulled away, after two short seconds. "So where's Luke?" 

I made a small gurgling sound in the back of my throat, stepping into the hallway, and Asher bit his lip and said in even tone, "He won't wake up." 

Alice's entire body drooped. "Wha... what?" 

"He won't, Alice, we already tried before..." My voice faded and I found it hard to speak. "Before..." 

"NOO!" Alice cried, a thick, painful noise. She turned to me, tears already on her cheeks, "Luke..." She whispered, her voice hoarse and tired. Her body shuddered and she sobbed. 

Asher stepped away, continuing down the hall, his eyes glazed over. "I'll be around," He managed roughly, running a hand through his short-cut hair. 

I wanted to say something, comfort him, but Alice was latched on me and I couldn't let her go. 

She'd lost so much already. 

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