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“Vashtie!” A voice screamed, causing a jolt in my heart rate.  

I was freezing, and I was afraid. I didn’t know where the hell I was or who the hell was calling my name.  All I could see was darkness surrounding me.  My eyes grew heavy and nausea soon took over my entire body.  Everything was almost like a blur before me, and nothing was making sense. All I wanted was to understand the situation going on, who was calling me, where in the world was I, and what was going on.

“Vashtie! Help me!” The unknown voice shouted again.

I tried moving, but every inch of me hurt and pained.  All I wanted was to get out this mysterious location.  As my eyes finally began to adjust to the darkness I notice where I was.  A basement.  I looked down at me weak body to see blood gushing from my abdomin.  A large puddle of the sticky red residue covered the basement floor and the middle of my body.  A rush of fear then hit me as I noticed where the blood was coming from.  I tried to raise my shirt to see what was under, and nearly pissed my pants in fear.  The bullet wound was deep into my torso and the sight of it was too much for me to handle.

“Vash . . .”

My body was now trembling as flashbacks from earlier in the night came back.  I tried to push it away but I couldn’t.  All I could hear was his voice repeating over and over in my  head.  Tears drowned my face as my vision blurred, everything all began to make sense.  It all started with the one guy they all told me to avoid from day one.

Vincent Chase.

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