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I awaken due to a 'Rise & Shine' morning call the following morning from none other than my mother. I was half asleep, and still suffering from a groggily morning voice once I answered the phone.

My mothers calm and collected, with a delicate underlying tone instantly woke me once my brain registered to the familiar voice. It actually wasn't that hard to forget the boldnes my mother usually delivered through the signature Jamaican accent that always rang with her words. It had to have been a good year or more since I had spoken to my parents, so hearing a simple hello almost brought me to tears.

"Good morning mom." I smiled weakly, pushing my covers off of my torso before swinging my legs to the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. I was a bit curious to why she was even calling me, but took that as a sign that my parents where missing me.

"What a gwan with school?" She immediately questioned, as if this was the only reason she called me. I groaned feeling like an ass for literally wasting my parents money on a college tuition I blowed off. I didn't know a pleasing way to put it, without pissing my mother off. Though I knew either way she would be cussing me out with every sour word in the Patois language.

"I uh, I think we should talk in person instead of over the phone mom." I blurted out in responce, my eyes darting to the clock on the wall hanging above the sink. "I'll be there by eleven." I then added, thus giving me less than two and a half hours to freshen up and make way down to Brooklyn.

A sigh came from my mothers end of the line before she mumbled a few words under her breath. "Alright, just make sure you a ga be prepared fi answa all mi questions dem." She resplied before quickly ending the call. I personally didn't want to leave the house this morning, my phone was saying 70% chance of snow and I was sticking to my plan of online shopping for Christmas this year.

The thought of Christmas instantly brought back memories of Dajsha and Sean. Honestly two people who I have to say made the biggest impact throughout my life, are now both gone. Even if Dajsha would constantly complain about everything in life, she was still my best friend. She kinda did keep me out of trouble from doing stupid stuff, and helped give me a push to Sean. Dajsha and Sean where the two people telling me to stay away from Vinny, and now I'm caught up in this mess, don't even know whats going to happen next.

Lately the only thing on that has been on my mind is life. My desicions for the past couple months have been causing everything to fall out right in front of me. If I had just listened to Sean and not even went to the concert I wouldn't be sitting here worrying what might happen to me next. I wouldn't be worrying about Vinny killing me. I would be cuddling with Sean as we both made fun of each other like we always have. Well, used to.

I wasn't surprised that a thin layer of snow covered the ground the moment I stepped out of my apartment building. On top of that the wind was whipping my hair into diferent directions as I tried my best to adjust the maroon beanie over my curls. I groaned in responce to the weather, but tried my best to suck it up being that it was only December and Winter technically hasn't even began. I continued trudging through the snow with my chestnut Polo boots brushing the snow below me as more fell from above.

My hands where stuffed deep into the pockets of my wool duffle coat, but yet still I was freezing my ass off just to get down to the subway station. Strands of curse words slipping out of mouth ever so often as I complained about not having a car. At least then my hands wouldn't be brick while my feet felt soaked inside of my boots.

"I need a fucking car by next winter man." I mumbled under my breath finally approaching the stairs to the subway as hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers tried to do their daily commute to wherever. Many people where pushing past me as I tried to find my way around. I felt like I haven't been down here in forever, especially by myself. Usually I would have Dajsha to keep me company as we quarreled or laughed together, but from here out it would be different. Everything was different.

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