More bruises...

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I was still dreaming, and for once, it wasn't any kind if nightmare.. It was a relaxing dream, perfect would be the right word. I heard whispers and giggles. Wait.. Who's in my room!!??

I shot up and smacked someone's head. "Fuck" I grumbled rubbing my sore forehead. I looked back up and saw 4 pairs of eyes. It was everyone .. Wait Niall.? I heard a groan and right next to me was the little Irish one. Dawwahh! I thought. I heard laughing and right there on the floor were four retards laughing. "Shit... I said that out loud didn't i.?" I mumbled. Lou looked up and just nodded with tears in his eyes from the laughing.

Oh no.... Ohhhh fuck!! I spent the night at zayns house without telling josh... I'm gonna be in trouble. "Umm guys, I gotta go.." I said aloud. They all stopped laughing and looked at me with a questioning look. "I errmm didn't tell josh I was staying the night" I replied. "Ohh" they all nodded in response. I grabbed my jacket and headed for the door. I guess by then Niall was awake. "Hey, let me drive you" he smiled. "Okay.." I looked down, feeling the blood rushing to my burning cheeks.

We drove to my house in silence. He pulled up behind Leah's SUV, putting the car into park and shutting off the engine. I turned and leaned over to kiss his cheek but he turned at the last minute, causing our lips to meet. I had never kissed a boy, I mean the little peck I gave zayn when we were like 6 doesn't count, it didn't mean anything. But this... This meant a lot. I pulled back and smiled. "Thanks" was all I said. I hopped out and waved goodbye, I giggled because I could see nialls cheeks a bright, rosey red. This was going to be an amazing day I thought.

I walked in the house and josh was standing there looking pissed the hell off. "Hey..." I whispered. "HEY, IS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!!?" He yelled. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep last night, I wasn't planning on staying, I would have told you if I was! I promise." I said hoping he'd let it slide. "I don't want to hear your stupid fucking excuses! Get your ass over here now!!" He screamed at me. "I'm sorry" I begged "please..." I begged more. "I said get your god damn ass over here!" He yelled even louder. I stepped toward him and he grabbed my arm, yanking me over. He grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall. "you stupid slut!" He spit in my face. "I mean look at you, your ugly, fat, stupid, and completely worthless. Now your sleeping around with a bunch of douch bags! Fucking whore!" He screamed. Kicking me hard in the ribs. I felt the bruise forming already. I groaned and rolled over on my side. He kicked me multiple times in my middle section causing the tears to race down my face. "I'm sorry" I whispered, wishing he would stop. "Shut up you stupid bitch!" He said, looking at my worthless body. "You were the worst mistake of my life." He stated, disgusted by me. "I should have just put you up for adoption. When your mother died and left you with me!" He screamed, veins popping out of his head. "There's a reason your real father didn't stick around! He didn't want you.! No one fucking does!!!" My eyes were burning from the tears, my hole body was aching and I just wish it would all stop.

"What the fuck is going on!!?" Leah screamed running down the steps, she saw the seen and glared at josh. She pointed up the stairs and said "GO! We need to talk!" Still staring at him, and for once in my life, I watched him follow orders. He walked right up the stairs. Leah walked over to me and felt my forehead. "Sweetie, go lay down and relax, I will be down in a little while." She told me in a gentle voice. I just nodded and went down the steps.

I heard yelling, they had been arguing for about an hour now. Finally it went silent, other than the footsteps coming towards me. Leah sat down and whispered. "Your father agreed to give you your old room back... But that's the only thing I could get out of him.. I'm sorry honey" "thank you" I said not moving from my balled up position. Everything was honestly getting to me now, overwhelming me, I was pretty worthless huh..

I started grabbing my things and heading up the old creaky stairs. Finally I reached the second flight, the ones I hadn't been up in years...

I took one step up and continued the pattern, when I reached the top I looked around.. I opened mom and Josh's old room and it was perfect, like it had never been touched, there wasn't even a speck of dust on a thing.

I didn't even think about opening the guest room, that's where he was and I wasn't going near him unless I absolutely had too. Then I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and twisting the doorknob to my old bedroom...

I took a step in and opened my tired eyes. It was picked up, not how It was before, but after what had happened the last time I was in here, it looked amazing. I had my old bed with no head board, a desk, new dresser, nightstand, and even a moor. The walls were still a pale pink with white trim, I'll be honest, I had a beautiful room.

I laid down on the soft blanket that covered my twin bed, resting my head on the baby blue pillow my mother made me when I was only an infant. I then started letting my mind wonder. It was stuck on one thing....

The kiss.

Hehe(: awwe Niabella.!! <33 what do you think so far.? I've been trying to update almost everyday...... Let's see how long that lasts. 1 vote and 2 comments for the next chapter(;

Michaela<3. Xx

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