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Today the boys were leaving, I've been a reck all morning. I just couldn't really get the four years out of my head. Once again I was curled up on zayns couch crying. All the boys were at their own homes packing, and spending time with their family's, so i stayed with zayn, considering his parents and siblings either had work or school.

I heard his footsteps coming from the stairs, then the couch sinking next to me. His arms found their way around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. "I need you to promise me something Elle" he paused. "I need to know that you will be okay when I'm gone" I stayed silent. "Arabella?" He said looking at me with red puffy eyes.

"I'll be fine zayn. I'm always fine.. Remember.?" I said, staring down at my black converse. "Elle please. I just-" he broke down, tears streaming down his face.

I held him closer, he was honestly the closest thing I had to family in this world. My mother was the most amazing person, and after she died, zayn was the one person I could turn to when I needed someone. "I love you so much zayn" I whispered. "I love you too sis, so much." He sniffled. "I hate crying." He mumbled, wiping his face.

We both laughed and continued our day.

The boys had just arrived here, they had decided to drive together to the air port. Their flight was at 4:30... It was almost four o'clock. "We need to get going guys" Liam wispered. I hugged them, giving each of them a special goodbye. Niall came to me last, he wrapped me in his arms, causing the tears I'd tried to hide to flow down my cheeks. He looked into my eyes, my head falling, Niall lifted my chin, kissing my lips, it was filled with love, and emotion, and passion. I pulled back, whispering "I love you" and turning on my heals. I hated saying goodbye, so this time I wouldn't.

I was about to turn the door knob when I looked back at the five people I loved, they all looked so sad and broken, tear stained cheeks and no smiles. "I love you" I whispered, so quiet I could barely hear it.

Walking out that door was so hard, I ran over and sat next to a bush a few houses down, crying so hard, my head was pounding. I heard voices, their voices.. Car doors, an engine, and then they were gone. Despising the thought of going home, I walked to the park, Taking a seat under the orange slide and wrapped my arms around my curled up legs. I stayed that way for a long time.. Even after it had become dark, and the only lights were the street poles, and cars flying down the street. Once the sun began to rise, I knew I'd have to forse myself off the cold ground and walk home. My chest.. It hurt so bad, like someone reached in, took my heart, smashed it, and pushed it back in again.

Beginning the journey to my house was the last thing I wanted to do.. But now it was my only option.


It was so hard saying goodbye to Elle, we were all going to miss her so much.

Liam's phone began to ring, causing everyone's heads to turn in his direction.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Oh, well alright, thank you for letting us know, I'll have our driver bring us to a hotel."

After he hung up, we all have him confusing looks. "Who was that.?" Louis asked. "Simon. our flight was canceled, we will be leaving tomorrow." Liam replied. The rest of the ride was quiet, we hadn't talked really at all after elle left.

"Guys, I have an idea..." Niall smiled.

After making a few phone calls, the plan was set,

Let's just hope it works...

Sad chapter. So much crying! Ahhhh!So what do you think about the point of view change?

What's the plan.?


Sorry(: I'll update soon! <3

~michaela <3 Xx

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