RT 1

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Chapter 1

The noises of glasses colliding against the wall and shattering on the floor made Nina cringe. Ah well, she thought she will get used to it but no. Every night it was the same story, her parents would start fighting from dinner time till their voices gave out. Topics from food to affairs and then continuing on about how they ruined each other's lives. Nina clutched her pillow close to her and covered her ears with another, but no use. She got off her bed and sighed. She walked over to her little table and turned her laptop on, plugging in the headphones she played her music on full volume. Once her music overpowers the screams, she went on to her browsing page and looked up the house she has been waiting and saving money for. She has worked her ass off for the last two years for a home of her own. Away from all these screaming.

Waking up the next morning after a long night is pretty hard for Nina. But neither can she skip her day nor can she bear to leave the comforts of her warm bed. So she got up, got into the shower and dressed up for work. Nina dodged the pieces of broken glass on the floor as she crossed the hall, towards the door. Nina lived on the 4th floor so she liked to take the stairs rather than the elevator; it's usually really quiet in the mornings in her neighborhood but today there are trucks and loading cars. Maybe someone new is moving in, she thought.

Nina finished her first shift and got ready to meet up with her recruiting agent whom her best friend had found. Her phone started ringing from inside her bag, "Hello?"

"Oh Really? Hello? That's how you reply me after ignoring my calls for a good long half an hour."

Nina shook her head at her best friend.

"What's wrong Soph?"

"Nothing's wrong tho....I've been waiting at the café for you...hurry up N!"

"Be there in 5.." with this she hung up.

Sophie and Nina had been talking to Mathais for like an hour now. Talking, sorting and planning about different colleges can surely wear you out. "I could do with a cup of coffee now.." Sophie states stretching her arms above her head. Nina and Mathais nod in agreement. "I'll get you girls some..." Mathais says but Nina cuts him off by saying that she'll fetch them, asks Mathais what he wants and walks towards the counter. "I'd like one chocolate latte, salt caramel latte and a cup of black coffee please." The employee types the orders in and replies with a polite, "That'll be $19.87, thanks." Nina hands him the money and waits for her order. "I'd like a black coffee please." A pretty attractive voice catches her attention. She looks up to see a handsome guy with a dark blue jeans, olive t shirt with a black plain jacket. He turns to catch her staring at him and she looks down at her phone. It got a bit awkward for her as she understood that he caught her ogling at him, "Nina Marine!" the employee calls out. "Yeah that'll be me... Thank you." She took her tray and walked away from the mysterious young lad.

"Aaah! Finally....took you forever!" Sophie exclaims as she grabs her chocolate latte and sips on it. "Ohkay so where were we..." Mathais starts again but Nina finds it quite hard to concentrate as a pair of attractive blue eyes were distracting her. She gives one last look at the mysterious guy before concentrating on her college ideas. She just needs to get these things right.

After her last shift at her favorite shop, which is now her work place, she walks out of the mall to the place she dreads the most. Her parent's house. She'll need to face them again, faking stuff, keeping up facades but sometimes even they can't hide the fact in front of Nina that nothing is gonna be okay like before...Ever again. But at the end of the day, life isn't a fairy tale and it's not necessary that everyone gets their happy endings. It's okay to not be okay, it's okay to be broken. But maybe sometimes you need something or someone to push you towards a line which will help you enter a feeling of happiness. Sometimes people reach a moment in life where you're happy everyday. Some people find those moments fast enough, while some people take ages to find that one moment of happiness. Nina is yet to find hers. She's had boyfriends before but things just don't work out. Sophie says that "someday" that one guy would come and make her feel such amazing stuff which will make her realize why things didn't work out with others. That's just cliché. Nina knows that relations, especially those which are love related are precious but she isn't unknown of the fact that they are super fragile as well. She doesn't trust her heart with such stuff.

Nina's drive for the day was over and she had to get back to reality, she walked into the elevator and pressed on the button indicating the number 4. just as the doors were about to close and foot came in between them. Nina looked up to see a familiar pair of blue eyes. What the hell! Her eyes widened at the guy she saw at the café. He leaned forward to press 14 among the buttons. Love his scent! "Do you know it's not that nice to keep staring at people like this? It's creepy."

Nina looks down at her feet in embarrassment. "Oh I'm sorry..." she replies in a soft voice. "Hmm..." he nods. "I'm Nina.." she looks up at him but he keeps his stare up at the digital screen showing the floors passing. No answer. Okay rude and arrogant alert! A bell indicates that her floor is here. She walks out towards her door and just as the elevator doors are about to be closing the mysterious, rude guy calls out, "Blake Wilson."

*Author's Note*

Heres a new story of mine! I hope you guys enjoy! we're gonna keep my first story on hold for a few months. if you have anything regarding that you can always PM me!

Much Love..

Tanisha <3

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