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Chapter 2

Life seems so dull sometimes, when you're doing the same thing all over again everyday. Everyday goes the same as any other day for Nina. Early mornings, getting to job, studying, coming home and last night fights. She's absolutely sick of these same things all over again going on for years and years. It's her day off, so she planned to sleep till late, but unfortunately she woke up at 7 and couldn't get herself to sleep after that. After a long warm shower, she went downstairs to see her mother asleep and father gone. She sighed to herself, miraculously there were no shattered glasses on the floor today. Maybe words were sharper than those glasses last night. Nina poured milk in a bowl and pulled out her favorite cereal, and dialed Sophie's number. A sleepy and groggy voiced Sophie answered after a few rings.

"What do you want sleep pooper?" Sophie said with a yawn following after. "Good morning Soph!" Nina replied with a smirk. "Good Night bitch...I need some sleep!" Sophie exclaimed and yawned again. "No you don't, we need to take a day off. We're going shopping and lunch and I don't what but you better be ready in an hour." Nina stated. "And why do we need to do all these? Wait...Did you say shopping? Oh ok...I'm in! Will pick you up in an hour. Bye!" Sophie hung up. Nina giggled at her best friend's change of mood at the mere mention of shopping.

Sophie is Nina's one real friend with whom she shares everything but after Sophie got into a relationship with Zac, things changed. Nina doesn't mind though, Zac is a nice guy and keeps Sophie happy, but Nina does feel a little lonely sometimes when she really needs to talk to her best friend but her phone comes engaged or she is busy. Never mind, Nina knows that though Sophie can't give her time like before, she'll never leave her side.

After finishing her breakfast, she straightened her hair and got into a white Nike crop top and high waist jeans. Got a missed call from Sophie indicating that she was downstairs, so Nina wore her black converse and locked the door with her spare key. She doesn't feel like taking the stairs today for some reason, so just decided towards the lift. Waiting for the lift to arrive, she pulled out her iPod and headphones, and played her most played play list. She stepped into the lift to see the familiar handsome rude boy. Blake. It was quite common now, she's seen him a lot of times now but most it were in this elevator. "Whatever" she thought. Nina never talked to him on her own again. She looked down at her iPod, scrolling down her play list. "Good morning." Blake greets. This shocks Nina a bit, "this guy never talks to me on his own." She thought. "Good morning..." She replied and this time takes a look at his appearance. He's wearing a black Nike T shirt and sweatpants. Going for a walk maybe? "Nice choice of clothes you have there." Blake points out to the big black fonts saying "Nike" on her top. She looks down at her outfit and nods. "Yeah same goes for you." Nina points at the same fonts in white on his T shirt. Nothing else is said as the elevator reaches the desired floor. They both walk out of the elevator towards the gate of the building. Nina spots Sophie and her car. Looks down at her feet and walks towards the red mustang.

"oooooh! Hot guy alert! Who was that?" Sophie says. "First of all, he's the new guy I told you about and secondly I'm telling Zac about this little comment of yours." Nina says and pokes her tongue out when Sophie crunches her nose. "Anyways let's head to the mall?" Sophie tries to change the subject. Nina giggles and says, "Yeah sure!"

Shopping is not one of Nina's favorite time pass but you can't say that she doesn't enjoy it, especially when Sophie is accompanying her. After some shopping and eating, they decide to visit Nina's work place. Nina absolutely adores that shop but its way out of her league, though she was able to purchase a latest iPhone after a lot of saving but working at The Apple showroom is out of this world. Being a student, it took a lot for a job like this. Anyways Sophie and Nina walked through all the lanes and counters of the showroom, and met up with some of Nina's colleagues who are working today. Sheena, one of Nina's colleague and her closest friend at work called her over.

"Hey Sheena."

"Hi, you might wanna come inside with me for a moment..." Sheena says as she flaunts her coral red short hair. "


"Cause.... You might've left you're most private little drawing diary in the back room last day....well but if you don't wan-" Nina cuts her off.

"WHAT! I can't believe I left it here, no one saw that right? I mean, It didn't ever cross my mind when I didn't find it that I left it here. Let me go in." Nina tries to run past Sheena.

"Sweetheart, you're not allowed in without your id..." Sheena says in a strict tone.

"You're such a bitch at times!" Nina replies as she searches through her bag.

"Well thanks, and you do remember that am older than ya right?" Sheena smirks.

"Yeah, that you are....Oh got it!" Nina slides her id over her head and enter the door behind Sheena.

Sophie walks over to Sheena, "Hi babe!"

"Hey Soph!"

"Where did our beauty run off to?"

"To fetch her diary from the back room...the private one!" Sheena winks.

"Hahaha.... I wonder how long she's gonna keep her fantasies locked in that little diary..." Sophie sighs.

"I agree, I really want her to find someone who's gonna make her happy for real, and show her that she doesn't deserve such miseries" Sheena states as she looks back at the door through which Nina went in.

"By 'someone' it reminds me that I need to show you something...." Sophie takes her phone out and browses through it.

Sheen takes a look at the screen, and Sophie clicks on a picture to enlarge it.

"Woohoo! Who's that?" Sheena asks as her expression lightens up.

"Some new guy at her apartment... Don't they look super hot together? Though she doesn't know I took their picture, but just look at this." Sophie hands Sheena her phone.

Sheena takes another look at the picture of Nina and Blake coming out of her building together. Both of them looking down and wearing Nike clothing. Sheena smiles and says, "This is a perfect couple goal!"

"What's a perfect couple goal?" Nina asks.

"Nothing!" Sophie snatches her phone back.

"Whatever!" Nina rolls her eyes. "When is your shift ending Sheena?" Sophie asks.

"Well, right now actually!" Sheena answers after taking a glance at her wrist watch.

"Cool, care to catch a movie?" Sophie suggests.

"Yeah, that'd be nice!" Sheena replies and walks out from behind the counter.

It got a bit late today, all the events today wore Nina out. She just needs her bed now. She sighs and steps out of the empty elevator. When she starts to take key out, she hears the shouts and profanities coming from the other side of the door. "Oh no!" Nina sighs under her breathe. She doesn't wanna enter the house and see the situations going on inside, but decides against it. And that's maybe the worst and best thing she had ever done.

*Author's Note*

Here's another chapter! Enjoy my lovelies!

Much Love...

Tanisha <3

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