RT 6

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Chapter : 6

Okay. So you might misunderstand the fact that when you are dedicated to your goals, nothing can distrac you. Let me help you with that, i is not true at all. Knowing Nina and how dedicated she is to her goals, one thing was constantly distracting her. Actually one person in particular. Blake. Determination just seemed to have bid goodbye to her as soon as he started the lecture. Everything starting from the raised eyebrows, hand gestures, pacing around the room, leaning back on the teacher's table and occasional eye contacts that seemed to tug onto Nina's heart weren't helping a bit.

After what felt like an eternity, the bell rang indicating the end of the period. Nina looked back and forth in the room to find the boys rushing out while the girls steadied themselves from their drooling session, she shook her head and followed Sophie to her next class.

It's officially sure that Nina will pass out if she doesn't hit a bed right now, but a corner in the hallway might not be the most pleasant place to lie down, but Nina's body is tempting her to do so. While waiting for Sophie the warmth of her bed consumed her mind so intensely that she didn't notice a person behind her. At a sense of presence, Nina turned around to slam into someone.

"Whoa! Easy there!"

Nina looked up to a pair of misty eyes and a boyish smile framing the familiar face. Heat crept up to her cheeks as she gained her posture. "Blake. Hi." She greeted with her oh-so etiquette of awkwardness. Blake chuckled and she found herself breaking into a smile. "Hi, Nina." he smirked.

After a long moment of silence, Nina asked, "Teaching and stuff huh? To be honest, I didn't point you for someone who would be into teaching business." Blake raised his eyebrows and replied or asked you could say, "Really? Why? Do I look like I'm not intelligent enough?" Nina's eyes widened at that. "No! No! I didn't mean it like that that. I-I just... It just seemed like a profession for you."
Blake nodded, "Hmmmm, I know, It's part of a survey conducted by our Uni and I thought what's a life worth living without a bit of risk." This time it was Nina's turn to subtly nod her head. Blake stared intently at her, at the strand of hair that kept getting over her nose and lips. "Why did you think this was a serious profession for me?" He asked her.
Nina felt her cheeks heat up again. This seemed to happen alot around Blake, huh?
"Well, um, I thought a guy who works out every morning and creeps up to the terrace at night with a can of beer, might be more into an intense and ambitious job." Blake's lips turned up into a smirk as he leaned closer to her, so close that she could feel his breathe on her nose.

"Now, that's our little secret partner. Shouldn't say this loud." Blake slightly whispered as he brushed the strand of hair out of her face, making her heart beat a thousand times faster. She almost thought she would drown into the depth of his eyes until a familiar fake cough interrupted them. Blake took a step back to take a look at the person who had burst their bubble. Sophie stood there with a knowing look on her facr and Nina just about knew what was cooking in her filthy mind.
Moving her eyes from Nina to Blake, Sophie stuck out her hands to greet him. "Hi, I'm Sophie. Nina's bestfriend and only anchor." Blake took her hand and shook it slightly, "Blake, Nina's neighbour and the only person she makes a conversation with at the apartment." Nina rolled her eyes at their silliness while Sophie chuckled and said, "Make sure no one knows that." Blake raised his eyebrow, "Why so?" Sophie clicked her tongue, "You're totally oblivious, aren't you?" Nina's eyes widened at how confronting Sophie can be with a person she just met. "At your lecture today, most of the niye books were piling up with hearts than actual notes. Plenty of those girls are dealing your social media profile while others are trying to haunt down your address. If they got to know Nin knows you, they will start fake - friend - zoning her which will not be good, because I want my share of privacy with my bestfriend." By the end of Sophie's speech, Blake's eyes were wide and Nina just wore a bored expression.

"Is she always this enthusiastic?" Blake asked somewhat in a whisper. Nina chuckles, "You'll be surprised."
"I'm still in hearing distance, you know?" Sophie wore a smirk on her face.

Blake glanced at his watch, "After everything you just said, I say it'd be better to leave this place then." Nina nods while tugging on Sophie's arm, "Yes, it's late, we must leave."

As they reach the front gate of the school, Blake calls up. "You guys need a lift?" Sophie and Nina stop to take a look at him. When Nina sums up to deny his offer, Sophie says "I don't but Nina does."
"I do?" Nina asks. Sophie turns to her, "Yes" Then looks back at Blake, "And you two basically live at the same place. Drop her, will you?" Blake smiles and gestures Nina towards his car, while Nina glares at her bestfriend. Sophie comes up to Nina and hugs her, "Thank me later." She whispered and pulled back to wave at Blake and ran towards her car.

Nina quietly followed Blake to his black... Mustang!? She eyed the beauty in black. "This is yours?"
"Nah! I just picked it off the road this morning." He said nonchalantly with a pat on the car. Staring at the blank face of Nina's, Blake laughed out.

Wow! That was like a peaceful sound after a never-ending silence.

"Just kidding! Get in." With a slight nod, he gestured her to get in. She got in and wore the seat belt as if on instinct.

Five or so minutes into the drive, no one said a thing but something kept knocking at her brain. "If you want to say something, you can." Blake said, eyes set on the road.
"Well, I've been wondering, I haven't seen this car before when you came at the building." She said, even though that wasn't what she was planning to ask.
"Yeah, just got it down from L.A. last night." Nina just nodded. "So, who else is there in your family?" Blake asked randomly staring out at the surprisingly clear road.

Though his eyes were trained on the road, he sensed Nina stiffen at the mention of her family. "Uh, well, just parents." She answered in a voice so cold that even she couldn't believe. Whatever happened in the past year or so, she never lost her cool regarding her anger or anxiousness. This was the first time she felt her guard tremble, but there was something inside of her that just snapped. Wrapping her arms around her torso, she kept her eyes out the window. Not a single word was uttered among the pair throught the rest of the ride. However, there was one thing that Blake understood during that ride. Not everyone displays who they are, and somewhere inside Nina, there was so much more than she ever showed.

Somewhere between the ride from school to home, many questions came knocking at his mind. Even during their occasional meetings in the elevator, Nina always greeted him but this time she just ducked her head and walked out. Just as thoughts about Blake clouded Nina's mind, the same thing was happening to Blake.

*Author's Note*

Hey you lovely people!
I know I've been away for like.... FOREVER!

But now I'm back and hopefully will be able to update every week. I need all ur support and love... Till then..

Much Love

Tanisha 💖👑

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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