RT 3

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Chapter 3

There are some abusive sequences so if you are not comfortable with violence you can skip it.... i'll leave an indication of where the violence ends!

       The screams took a long pause when Nina opened the door; she looked up from the ground to take a look at her parents. Her father looked quite calm though his eyes were red and he was clutching a glass tightly in his hands, on the other hand her mother looked furious. Her eyes were red as well, brimming with tears, hair all over her face; all in all she looked devastated. "Oh look, who decided to show up!" Her dad said in a sarcastic tone. "I thought you were in your room!" Her mom shouted at her. Nina cringed at her mother's tone, "I was out with friends, and it got a bit late...." Nina managed to speak out. "Friends or boyfriends? Like your mother!" Her father spat out. Nina's eyes widened at his tone and statement. There have been fights before but they never dragged Nina into one. "No dad." Nina said in a quiet tone. "Don't you dare talk back with me, young lady." Nina looked down again. She heard a glass shatter on the floor and saw the pieces of glass and liquid condiments splatter around the floor. Nina closed her eyes tightly. "She's grown up to be a slut just like you huh!" she heard her dad say, through gritted teeth. Then she heard footsteps walking out of the living room and the slam of a door.

Nina cringed again and tears filled her eyes, she closed her eyes and let them pour down her cheeks. Such a quiet moment it was until, she felt a seething pain shoot up her scalp and before she even knew what was happening, she was grabbed by her hair and slammed down hard on the floor. She fell cheek first on the floor, and an unbearable pain went through her cheek down her neck. Nina stayed on the floor that way for a fair few minutes, trying to analyze what just happened. A cold hand wrapped itself around her neck and yanked her to look into a pair of dark green eyes. Nina could never have imagined that she would have to see her mother in such a situation. Her mother looked her straight into eyes and slapped her hard making her fall back. This repeated a quite few times until her mother grabbed a fistful of her hair and looked at her with a disgusted look and said, "This is all your fucking fault! You're the reason why we're all in a mess, a deadly dark mess.......And you're the reason!" With this her mother pushed her back on the floor and walked towards her room but as she got to the door to her room, she turned back to look at Nina and said, "Oh and I wish you were never born." And slammed the door. Nina couldn't everything that just happened. She tried to get up from the position she was in, but the pain in her neck and shoulder stopped her from any further movements. After what felt like many painful ages, she succeeded in reaching her room. She slowly closed and locked the door of her room. She walked into the shower.

*Abusive sequences end here*

       After a long warm shower, she walked towards her mirror. Nina took in her reflection, her tears hadn't stopped pouring out since she came in this dreadful house. But she never made a noise, everything was deadly silent. Her eyes were red, and there was an ugly bruise from her jaw line to the left side of her neck. She walked back to her room and sat down on her bed. Any tiny noise coming from the window, made her jump. Nina felt so exhausted in her room, she was feeling claustrophobic. She needed to get out of his place, and started to look for her phone. She caught hold of her phone and dialed Sophie's number but decided against it. She couldn't let her problems ruin the peaceful sleep of her friend. Nina looked out the window, and planned to go up to the terrace. With this thought, she paced out of her room and tried to get away from this dreadful place.

       Nina stepped into the elevator and pressed the 23rd button and waited for the floor to arrive. This was a place where Sophie and Nina came to very often. Hot cups of coffee, music and star gazing were their favorite thing to do during a sleep over when they got bored of Netflix. Nina didn't forget to bring a blanket and her headphones, hopefully she'll be able to get over the pain for a while. Nina walked towards a small ladder which led to a plain floor where she placed her blanket and sat down at the edge. She looked out at the busy streets of the NYC. Such a city of fame, pace and crowd, but still the person you're walking next to doesn't know a thing about your pain and neither do you. Sometimes even the happiest person can be the one who's breaking apart inside. Sophie seems so happy and jumpy all the time; no one would ever think she was an orphan till she was adopted by an awesome couple. Though the couple is quite old, but Sophie believes she couldn't be blessed enough for this family of hers. But she misses a mom or dad though. Well, maybe life doesn't always surprise you with unexpected happiness. It's a kind of journey you've got to keep up with, doesn't matter if you're liking where it's going or not. A million things run by in Nina's mind, she lays on her back and tries to blur those horrid thoughts by a bit of calming music. Nina stares at the night sky, such a quiet sky. Calm, pristine and on its own. There are so many things among the sky, but still it's so alone. Stars and clouds are hugging the blanket of the sky, yet so distant from the busy, noisy and cruel world just beneath it. The soft musical chords fill up her minds as she tries to calm herself down. Staring at the stars can be surprisingly calm at times.

       After quite a long time, she closes her eyes and tries to take the positive energies in. Just when she feels the negativity leave her body, a screams startles her and she sits up and screams herself. After a while, she realizes its Blake. She stops screaming and looks up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Holy fuck! Is it a time to lie down at such a place? For a moment I thought you were a corpse or something!" Nina looked up at him and removed her strands of hair away from her face. She looked at him, he is still looking at her with wide eyes. Nina burst out laughing. For a moment it almost surprised her, how she was laughing full heartedly just after feeling that she was on the edge of a mental breakdown! But she just couldn't hold it in. "Stop laughing will you?" Blake yells. Nina clears her throat, "Um, yeah....sorry!" Nina smiles a bit. Blake sits beside Nina, surprising Nina again. Nina looks up at the stars again, distancing herself from the outer world again.

"So, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Blake asks.
"Why? Girls are not allowed at nights?" Nina questions back.
"I didn't mean it like that....whatever!"
"Wasn't feeling being indoors...it feels, almost like.."
"Um, yeah...sometimes...."
"Hmmm I get that...."
"You do?" Nina asks, almost shocked.
"Yeah, well not every other person's life is perfect you know....till you step up to make it the way you want it to be!"
Nina nods and looks ahead at the lights on the streets.
"What brings you up here? I'm a regular at this place...." Nina says, tapping her fingers on her knees.
"Just stuff... well mainly, this bottle of beer." Blake replies pulling out a bottle of beer.
"Okay..." Nina looks away, and lies on her back again, facing the sky.

       She closed her eyes, just feeling the breeze pass by. She opened her eyes to see Blake looking up at the sky. Its so weird, how she is beside a guy she doesn't know a thing about but yet, feeling completely safe.
"Its so weird sitting here, in the middle of the night, next to a complete stranger." Blake states.
Nina's eyes widen. That's what she was thinking.
"Yeah...kind of..." she replies in a small voice.
"So are you staying the night here?" Blake asks, eyes still gazing the sky.
"No, I never do sleep here...but I do stay up here till dawn, depends...You?" Nina asks.
"No...In fact, I'm just heading down....are you coming?"
"Yeah, I guess its pretty late..." Nina nods.

       Nina wraps up her things and they head down together. When they enter the elevator, Nina notices that Blake pushes the ground floor button rather than 14, but she doesn't question it.
Blake keeps looking at her, Nina gets a bit concerned about the mark on her cheek and neck. She tries to look away and hide them behind her hair.
"Um..." Blake starts.
Nina looks at him.
Blake keeps staring at her and says
"So bye then."
"Yeah bye...." Nina smiles.
Blake smiles back.

       Wow, just seeing him smile gave flutters in Nina's stomach.
A little bell indicates that Nina's floor is here. And all the happiness leaves her body, her body tenses and she doesn't wanna go back in there. But she forces herself out of the elevator and walks towards the dreadful door. She looks back and sees Blake pushing the open button and giving her a small wave. She waved back and entered the house.

       Nina walked into her bedroom and lied down on her bed. All the incidents that happened a few hours ago come rushing back and blur her eyes with tears. But then she thinks of the moment when Blake shrieked and screamed, and it makes her twitch a smile through her tears. How weird this guy is? She doesn't know a thing about him and neither does he, but still an hour with him, and she didn't for once thought of the things that mess up her life. Just admired the moments that passed. Blake Wilson. A funny guy, she must admit, and weird too. One moment he ignores her like a plague but the other moment he comes up on his own to start a conversation. Nina doesn't even realize how her tears have dried up to leave a little smile lighting her face up. And with these thoughts filling her mind up, she falls into a deep slumber.

*Author's Note*

Hey there lovelies....Here's another chapter.....with another chapter following by... So enjoy!

Much Love,

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