i'm okay (i care for you)

447 22 1

I'm back (but not quite)! Rushed and probably crappy. I'm so sorry. Not proofread


Shoulder length jet black hair and skin so pale it was translucent; that's what Mingyu first noticed when the new student entered their classroom. He looks like a goth with his looks matched with their black uniform. He looks like someone who likes to be alone. But he was attractive. Hella attractive. The boy slowly went up to the platform in the middle of their classroom with an unreadable expression on his face. "I'm Yoon Jeonghan and I'm pleased to meet you all," he then bowed.

Jeonghan. A pretty name for a pretty boy.

"Okay Mr. Yoon, you can sit over there," their teacher then gestured towards the desk by the window which is also beside Mingyu. Jeonghan simply nodded and made his way towards the desk. When he got comfortable, the teacher started discussing.

During the discussion, Mingyu who was known to be the top in class found it hard to concentrate. Jeonghan proved to be quite the distraction. He never said anything ever since he got situated on his seat and Mingyu found him intriguing. He started observing Jeonghan. His jet black hair looks so soft and silky, Mingyu bets he can easily run his fingers through those luscious locks. His skin is so white, no, so pale. It's like it has never seen the sun. But on his left wrist, Mingyu noticed, are red marks. Some looked fresh and some beginning to become a scar. Did he cut his wrist? But why? Now Mingyu found him more intriguing—

"—scuse me? Excuse me... Mingyu-ssi?"

A tap on his shoulder and a call of his name brought him back to reality. Shit. How long was I staring? "H-huh? What?" He then turned to Jeonghan.

"Is there something wrong with my face? You've been staring for a while now. The class already ended Mingyu-ssi." Jeonghan asked with his soft voice.

"You're just so beautiful— no! I mean you look attractive but what I meant is that—" but he got cut off by Jeonghan's soft giggles. He looked at Jeonghan and noticed the slight pink dusting his pale cheeks.

"Thank you Mingyu-ssi."

"Sorry. My friends actually said that I'm quite straightforward sometimes." Mingyu said while scratching his nape.

Jeonghan smiled gently "No, it's okay Mingyu-ssi."

"Oh. Just call me Mingyu, Jeonghan," and Mingyu flashed him a bright smile.

"Okay... Mingyu." -Jeonghan

And that was their first and last conversation ever since Jeonghan transferred and that was like two months ago. Just like Mingyu's initial impression, Jeonghan doesn't open up to anyone. He prefers to be alone than to mingle with their other classmates. Mingyu wanted to befriend Jeonghan but the latter is so hard to approach. He'll either ignore you or answer with short sentences. Because of his personality their classmates started avoiding him.

But Mingyu is different. He'd been gathering his courage to talk to Jeonghan. There's just something about the boy that intrigues him. He's like the depths of the ocean, undiscovered. There's something deep about him and Mingyu just want to discover the mystery that is Yoon Jeonghan.


Mingyu was sitting inside their classroom talking about random things with his friends.

"Aw. Look at this! Jihoonie looks so good with eye liner on! He's just so pretty!" said Soonyoung with a dreamy expression on his face and while showing them a picture from his phone. He was smiling to himself when suddenly someone smacked him on his head, "What the fuck― "

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