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Jeonghan's POV

I'm currently wiping coffee mugs when came the tingling sound from the door.

"Yo Jeonghan hyung." Greeted the boy who just came in.

Ah. Of course it's Kim Mingyu. "Hello Mingyu-yah. You're here again."

He grinned. "Of course. I'm here to drink your amazing coffee again hyung so why don't you give me the usual." I nodded and made my way to the coffeE machine to make his vanilla latte while maintaining a straight face.

Mingyu is actually my roommate for one year now. He's a year younger than me and we go to the same university. Ever since I started working in this cafe, he never failed to visit and order vanilla latte.

Once I was done making his latte I quickly went to his table and gave it to him.

"Hey Hannie hyung, when does your shift ends?" He suddenly asked.

"I only have one more hour left. Why?"

Then he smiled sweetly at me. The kind of smile than can make girls swoon. "I'll be back after an hour to pick you up, okay?"

Holy shit. I feel myself starting to blush but I quickly got hold of my expression and maintained a straight face. I only nodded and went back behind the counter.

Lately Mingyu's been doing this kind of thing. He became more gentle and caring. He would always ask what I want. He would always ask how I am. Is he like this to his other friends too? Maybe he's just a very caring person to everyone.

As soon as he came out I finally heaved a sigh of relief and I know I'm blushing hard. I've been trying my best not to show this kind of expression in front of him because it's way too embarrassing! I distracted myself with cleaning the tables when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and found my co-worker Seungyeon.

"Your friend is really handsome, Jeonghan-ah."

I slightly shook my head in amusement. "Yeah, he truly is."

"And he's really sweet, don't you think? Always coming here just to drink your coffee and sometimes even picking you up after work."

I feel myself starting to blush again but I quickly dismissed it. "He's probably like that with his other friends, too. That's just who he is."

Seungyeon gaped at what I said. "Did you really think friends would do such a thing? Think carefully Jeonghan. Is it normal for friends to say those words?" With that she left me bewildered and lost in thoughts.


An hour passed and I'm finally done with work. I got my things and waited outside the shop for Mingyu. While waiting, my mind went back to what Seungyeon said. If friends don't say things like that then could it be- ! As realization struck me I started blushing furiously. No, it can't be true. Doing things like that is probably normal to Mingyu. He can't possibly be-

"Hey hyung! Sorry I'm late." Fuck he's here and I can't stop myself from blushing! I can't let him see me like this! I lowered my head so he won't notice it.

"Hyung? Is something wrong?" He probably got worried with my lack of answer. He went near me and lifted my chin. I quickly looked away!

He's studying my face but I'm still not looking at him. "Woah, hyung. I never thought you could make this kind of expression! Shit. It's way too cute." I blushed again with what he said.

"No, no! It's just- I'm just- ah forget it!" I said exasperatedly.

"Why hyung? Is there something wrong?"

I sighed. "It's just... Mingyu, are you in love with me?"

Mingyu's face became blank with what I said. Am I wrong? "Seriously hyung. You didn't know?!"

My face flushed with what he said. "How am I supposed to know? I thought you normally do those kind of things to your friends!"

He lightly chuckled. "I wouldn't do those kind of things to my friends! Ah seriously hyung. Well, it's also my fault for not making it clear to you. So yeah, I love you hyung."

I blushed again but this time I didn't bother to hide it. "Really? You're not joking?"

He stroked my cheek gently while flashing me a smile. "Of course I'm not. I love you, hyung."

"I- I love you too Mingyu-yah." I wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"And hyung?" He said as he was stroking my hair.


"Don't show that kind of expression to anyone else except me."

I chuckled with his childishness. "Okay."

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