comeback home

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Hii! So this is somewhat a sequel to shallow love or simply Jeonghan's POV. Enjoy :)


Jeonghan was running fast to his apartment with tears streaming on his face.

He felt betrayed, hurt and just confused. He knows it's his fault. He's the one who went to Seungcheol, knowing the older's affection towards him, and asked if he can distract Jeonghan for a bit. He was feeling confuse with his relationship with Mingyu. He was starting to get bored so he decided to get his mind off Mingyu for a while.

But he never expected Seungcheol to kiss him! He made it clear that he only needed a distraction, not an affair.

When Seungcheol was kissing him, his mind went to Mingyu. How his smiles always seem so bright. Even brighter than the sun. How he's always so good to Jeonghan. Too good. And how he stayed beside Jeonghan even though he's being an asshole to the younger.

His body shivered with guilt and realization struck him hard. He will always love Mingyu. He was not bored, no, he was simply thinking negative thoughts. He was simply corrupting his own mind. But it's not too late to fix things, right?

Boy, was he wrong.

As soon as he was in front of their door, he calmed his self down and wiped the tears on his cheek. He slowly opened the door and removed his shoes when he entered.

"Mingyu?" silence. He was sure that the boy was supposed to be home at this hour. His class ended about thirty minutes ago.

"Mingyu? Where are you?" he called out once again but nothing.

Alarmed, he went to their bedroom only to find the closets open and Mingyu's clothes gone. no no no! This is not happening! Mingyu just couldn't leave him! He loves him, right?

With tears once again flowing on his face, he made his way to the kitchen.

Then he noticed a piece of paper on the table, with that ever so familiar hand writing.

Hey, hyung.

I'm sorry if I can't stay with you any longer. I've had enough.

I thought I can hold on even just for a while. Until you can come back to me.

But I saw you kissing him and that was the last straw. I can't do this anymore. I love you but I'm not stupid enough to stay only to get hurt.

Good bye. I hope you're happy with him.


"No! I still love you Mingyu! I'm sorry for being a jerk but I still love you! Please, please just comeback to me! Please! Comeback home!"

With tears that he couldn't stop from falling, he made his way to their room and curled at a corner. Staring at nothing and thinking about how everything was ruined because of him.

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