The Girl Who Hid

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Hi there. My name is Rose Elliot.

I'm seveteen years old, a senior in high school, and have only two friends who I can rely on. May I add, the best friends in the entire fucking universe.

Abby and Jason are their names. Abby, the girl next door who could secretly kick your ass. Yeah, don't get on her bad side..

Jason, well...I can't really think of anything to describe him. Mainly because, the only word I can think of is perfect, which is way too vague for describing someone like Jason. Crazy, insane, gorgeaus, perfect, there's that word again. Are there any other words for perfect? I guess...fabulous?

I may have some other 'friends' but they're all just faded figures in an unfinished picture. Anyways, my friends may seem perfect, there's that damn word again, but I'm anything from that.

I have, and always will be, the outcast of my school. Typical sob story, I know. Wah wah, feel sorry for me. Give me all your pity.

Never had a boyfriend, never kissed a guy. I'm what you call a complete virgin. Or someone who is going to spend her entire life with the company, of her cats and dogs.

I may seem typical to you, but I'm actually not. Wow...that sounded so bitchy..

I swear to god, I'm not full of myself.

I guess my life used to be normal, until that one fateful day.

It was a day that had started the destruction, and the happiness, of my entire life.


I slumped down into my seat, throwing my backpack onto the ground. Sighing, I brushed my bangs out of my face.

I shifted myself into my seat, grabbing my books from my backpack. I guess I'm what you call, socially awkward.

As I pulled out my books, he sat down next to me. Him being my best friend, Jason. Even though I get constant glares of jealousy from all the girls in our school, I don't really give a shit, because Jason is my best friend. Even though he's a famous YouTuber, and I get pushed aside when all the fangirls tackle him at the mall, I once again, don't really give a shit.

Today it was different though...I didn't feel like talking to anyone...especially Jason. You may be asking me Rose, why is that? He's your best friend. Well I'll tell you why.

Today was the day I found out that Abby liked Jason. Not just "I like you as a friend.". More like "I love him more then anyone else in the entire world.". Wow, that makes me feel so special.

I know what your thinking, that's not a big deal. Doesn't he have fangirls waiting at the door. Shouldn't you be happy for Abby? Well, I am happy, and he does have fangirl waiting at his door but this time it was different. This time it was everything. Everything had changed because of this one fateful event. So dramatic! I know!

Well it was different mainly because Jason liked her back. Now fangirls, don't kill me, but Jason has had trouble liking girls who scream at the top of their lungs "HAVE MY BABIES!". Now don't get me wrong, he has said before that some of his fans were really pretty, but he can't get over that one time when a fan tackled him and practically started raping him. He didn't leave his house for days.

Anyways, back onto the story. So now that Abby and Jason liked eachother, where was I in the picture? Oh that's right, I'm the girl who hid her feelings, most commonly known as the third wheel. I know what your thinking again, typical love story. Well it is, now shut the fuck up about it.

As he sat down, he lightly punched me on the shoulder. I adjusted myself in my seat and started to doodle. Jason looked over at me, with his blue eyes twinkling under the light. "You ok?" He asked with sincere eyes.

How was I supposed to respond to that? No I'm not ok, I'm secretly in love with you. Yeah, no fucking way was I confessing my love to him in the middle of English. I could quote off some Shakespere from the textbook on my desk.

Instead of doing that, I just responded with a simple "Yeah I'm fine". He looked at me with those ocean blue eyes. The same ocean blue eyes that could make a girl fall in love within seconds. His hair was slightly curly, and was a light brown, almost a blonde colour. His cheeks were so chubby, with little dimples that appeared whenever he would smile.

I swear to god, the first time he smiles at you, he could make you possibly pregnant. Doesn't matter if you're a guy, you'll still be pregnant.

As I stared into his twinkling eyes, he asked me a question. "You can tell me anything. You know that right?" I nodded my head. I'm not so sure about that Jason. Maybe I will need that textbook. Can someone find me Shakespere's chapter.

"Yeah, I know." I said putting on a fake smile. He laid back in his chair letting out a relieved sigh. Well I guess he believed in that smile.

"Alright class you need to-" Blah blah. Shut the hell up. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Jason, obviously. Who else would it be? Not Abby, she's not in my English class. "You seem sad." He asked with sad eyes. No shit Sherlock. I shrugged my shoulders and turned back towards my doodles.

I doodled an ice cream cone, a derp face, and a treble clef. If you seriously don't know what a treble clef is, how the hell do you not know what it is? How else do you think music starts off? Ok, sometimes a bass clef starts off music, but still.

"Alright class, get to work.." My teacher mumbled. Instantly, people turned towards each other and started chatting, but not me. Usually I would talk to Jason, but I wasn't in the mood for obvious reasons. All he would ask is "Are you alright?". I'm glad he cares, but come on. Can't he just get the clue? Eh, whatever. I'm actually glad he doesn't know about my secret crush.

As I continued to doodle, I heard Jason set his pencil down. He turned towards me, which caught my attention. "Rose, obviously you're not okay...what's wrong?" Wow, we've got a real detective over here. I shrugged my shoulders again, which is a bad habit of mine. Instead of answering questions, I just shrug. Which pisses so many people off.

Jason's eyes had suddenly widened. "You're not upset about the whole Abby thing are you?" Someone give this man an award that says 'Best Detective Since Sherlock Holmes'.

I shook my head, lying to him. "No. Why would I be? I'm happy for you guys." Great lying skills right there. Of course I was upset, but he couldn't know that. No one knew how I felt about Jason.

"Well I just thought, you were shocked and surprised, I mean a lot of people were." Jason kept rambling on for a couple of minutes.

I finally stopped him. "Jason I see the way you look at her, it was pretty obvious." It was obvious, I just kept denying it. Ugh, why am I so stupid?

As Jason blushed he hid his face by doing his work.

Before I knew it a loud ring spread through the classroom, indicating that class was over and we should get our asses out of there. I quickly jumped out of my seat and ran out of the class.

As I walked down the hallway I saw Abby. Sweet, innocent Abby. She was nervously walking, twiddling her thumbs while people bumped into her. She was walking by a girl with blonde short hair. I tried walking by without being noticed, but it didn't work. I heard my name being called out by an all to familiar voice.

" Rose!" Abby shouted out. I stopped in my tracks, and slowly turned around "Abby! I didn't see you there. What's up?" I asked with a fake smile. I really don't want to talk to people right now okay.

Abby looked up at me with her emerald green eyes. For some reason, her emerald eyes held some type of sadness to them.

"Rose...Can you please explain something to me?"




Hey guys! So this is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's terrible :PIt was terrible young Scarlet

Anyways thanks for reading and look forward to future chapters, because I have a lot planned :) Yea sure...let's see what you think about that when you get writer's block.

See ya #fetus

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