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Chapter 19


Rose's POV


It's been two days since the accident, and Jason still hasn't woken up yet...

Worst of all, it's Monday, and I have to go to school still...

To be honest I'm scared..


I entered the school, and everyone had somber looks on their faces...even Taylor...


I heard someone shout.

I turned around to see Alice.

"Why is everyone so sad?..."

Alice shrugged.

"Everyone is upset about Jason.."

A couple of people walked up to me and gave me flowers. They had little tags in them, and they said for Jason.

"Thank you..I'll give these to him later today.."

They nodded, and then walked away.

I headed to my locker, which was only a couple away from Jason's.

All around his locker was flowers and signs.

A part of me felt sad, as it only reminded me of Jason..

The other part of me felt angry, because no cared this much about Abby...

Except Jason did make that video...

Which reminds me, his fans don't know what happened...

I guess I have to make a video...


The day was eventually over, and I was going to the hospital after school.

Jason's mom was giving me and Alice a ride there.

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and I headed out with Alice.

As I was leaving, someone stopped me.


"Leave me alone Taylor..."

She then held up flowers.

Not just one bouqet, but two.

"One of them is for Jason, the other is for Abby...I know Abby died a while ago, but no one really gave her flowers or anything..."

She handed me the flowers.

I gulped.

Was Taylor actually being nice.

Should I hug her? I don't want to be infected with slut.

Screw it!

I gave her a hug.

"Thank you..."

With that, Alice and I got into Mrs.Probst's car, and we left.


We exited the car and we headed to Jason's room.

I opened the door.

Jason was still laying there..

With the annoying heart monitor beeping.

I set my bag and the bouquets down and I walked over to him.

I knelt down next to him.

"Hey...still not awake?"

All I got was the annoying noise of the beeping monitor...

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