Chapter 1- The Night Everything Changed

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Stoick POV      

Stoick sat in the Great Hall, he just had another meeting about how the dragon raids have stopped, some are saying that they ran off scared, others are saying something big is going to come, but alas Stoick was not thinking of that, but of corse he was thinking of his son. His son that a little more than a year ago was taken away by a dragon. He could never forget that night, the night the young, blond, Viking girl, more commonly known as Astrid, appeared at his doorstep, either close to tears or a panic attack.

Flash back
Stoick was sitting at the table waiting for Hiccup to come home to congratulate him on placing first in Dragon Training when the knock on the door came. He frowned, who could it be? As he answered the door he saw a surprising sight, it was Astrid. The poor blonde girl looked close to either tears or a panic attack. He wondered what she was doing here, sure he noticed that his son and her had gotten close over the past few days but why was she here. The last time he saw either of the two, they were sneaking off into the woods after the announcement.
'Astrid is everything alright?" He questioned the young girl.
'I'm so sorry sir, it came out of nowhere. It took him, it took Hiccup," Astrid stated as she started to hyperventilate. She looked like she was about to faint.
"Astrid? What took Hiccup? Where is my son?" He asked, starting to worry.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't stop it, it happened so fast, I'm so sorry sir, I'm so, so sorry," the poor girl said, on the verge of tears, her head fell into her hands and her shoulders started to shake.
'Astrid, what happened?' Stoick asked as calmly as possible, trying to ease the girl.
'A night fury happened, a night fury took Hiccup,' she stated looking up from her hands, directly into his eyes. Stoick doesn't do this often but he froze. His son, his Hiccup, was taken by a dragon, by the most feared dragon, by a night fury. He stared at Astrid hoping he heard her wrong but no the poor girl started to cry. He quickly pulled her inside, he knew she would not like anyone else to see her cry.
'Astrid, I know this is hard but what exactly happened?' Stoick asked, he needed to know. Astrid took a deep breath and looked up to Stoick,
'W-we went to the woods to celebrate Hiccup victory in training, w-we went to our normal spot, a clearing pretty far from the entrance, out of nowhere a pitch black dragon appeared, I reached for my axe but it disappeared as fast as it appear but as it flew off it grabbed Hiccup with it's claws, I'm so sorry I didn't do anything Chief, I should have done something,' Astrid told her story. Stoick sat there shocked, he could not believe Hiccup is gone, first his wife and now Hiccup, he could not take it, he broke, he cried, in front of Astrid.
End of Flash Back

Astrid spent that night in Hiccup's room and in the morning the two broke the news to the village. A week later Astrid decided to leave Berk and hunt down the Night Fury and since then, no one has seen and heard from her. Her parents are starting to worry that she will never return but alas Stoick was not going to announce that she is presumed dead, though some say she is because she has been gone for over a year and Hiccup has been dead for over a year. Stoick has no clue what to do, he has no heir and one of his best warriors are missing, not to mention that the said best warrior was also the closest thing he had to his son.

That's when the doors to Great Hall were burst opened and Gobber came running through.
"Stoick! Trader Johann is here and he wants to see you, he has something you and the Hoffersons," he stated. Stoick stood and left the hall with Gobber.


So how do you like it, yes or no. The first couple chapters will be set when the teens are sixteen, the rest will be when their are eighteen and just so you don't get confused, Astrid knew about Toothless before Hiccup is chosen to kill the monstrous nightmare about right after the tail fin incident. Tell me if you like it or not.

Lily :)

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