Chapter 2- The Blonde Viking In a Hood of Dragon Scales

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Astrid POV

Astrid sat on the deck of the boat of the Trader who is giving her a ride back to her old home, Berk. She does not know how that stupid dragon rider boy convinced her to go back, she was quite happy staying on Dragons Edge and riding her Dragon.

"I bet you will be happy to being going home," Johann stated walking towards her.

"I would be if this was my home I'm going to, I prefer to be going back to the Edge," she sighed and look towards the horizon.

"Oh, but Master Hiccup said-" Johann started

"To take me home," she finished. She sighed again, they just defeated the Red Death and she was sent back to Berk to make sure the raids stopped.

"Miss Astrid, we're almost there, how do you want this to go down?" He asked

"I'll go below deck and you can ask for the Chief and my parents, say that you have something for them," she told him. The trader nodded and held open the trap door that leads to below the deck. Astrid walked down the ladder and Johann shut the door. Astrid was nervous to face Stoick, she saw him cry and he saw her. What does she say when they ask about her boat or how the dragon hunt went? Does she say she couldn't find the dragon? That her boat got destroyed? But what destroyed it? How is it that she is better at talking to dragons to people. With dragons you can talk about anything, about your feelings, about strategy, about anyone but with people you have to be careful. She felt the boat dock and heard Johann say something about Berk being his favourite island. Then she heard him ask for the Hoffersons and Stoick and wouldn't let anyone on the boat until he saw the three of them. When she heard her parents voices she held her breath.

"What is it, Johann? Is it about our Daughter?" She heard her father ask the Trader.

"What about Astrid?" She heard a commanding voice ask.

"Chief! A pleasure seeing you again," Johann exclaim, she could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Well, what is it you have Johann?" Stoick the Vast cox the Trader into telling them.

"Right, right, I have something for you more like someone," The Trader stated lifting up the trap door and Astrid popped up and took off her hood.

"Hi Mom," She said looking directly at her mother.

"Astrid?" The older Viking woman ask uncertainly, Astrid nodded. That's when Astrid was pulled into a hug by her parents.

"Astrid, thank the Gods, you're alright," her mother exclaimed, her Dad agreed with her mother by nodding his head.

"It's good to see you too," Astrid said, forcing a smile.

"What happened to you, to your boat?" Her father asked, looking at her worriedly.

"It's a long story," the Viking girl explained

"And I'll be looking forward to it, but I'm guessing you are very tired from your Journey," Stoick stated looking at the young Viking, Astrid just nodded. "Go to your house and rest, I'm sure we can hear your story at dinner," Astrid nodded and her parents lead her back to their house.

Astrid walked into a room she hasn't stepped into for over a year, her bedroom. The same room Hiccup told her of his plan to runaway.

Flash Back
'Hiccup you can't be serious,' the day before she found out about Hiccup's friend, the night fury named Toothless, and now he wants to runaway with him.
'I am, Astrid I don't belong here, I belong with him, flying around, being free,'
'If you're going then so am I,"
"No you can't, Astrid, you belong here, you belong in Berk'
'Berk's not Berk without you Hiccup and I can't even kill a dragon now, I- I don't want you to leave,' She told him.
'How about after I leave you go off to hunt for Toothless and never come back?' Hiccup asked her, she nodded her head in approval.
End of Flash Back

"So much for never coming back," she mumbled. Sighing, she fell on her bed. All she could do was think about Hiccup, Stormfly and Dragons Edge. Why did she have to come back? What is Hiccup's plan?

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