AN: All Right, All Right, All Right

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Okay. I finished my first read-through of the journal! That is by no means to say I've finished it, what with all ciphers and codes. I told my brother it's a bit like beating story mode in a video game:

"Yay, I did it! Wait, only thirty percent completion?!?"

Anyways, the journal is amazing, and it really couldn't have come at a better time for this story. It's certainly going to influence the next couple chapters, which will encompass Ford and McGuckett's journey to the spacecraft. It also confirmed several things that I've already written/planned to write, including Ford's intentions and his dealings in Gravity Falls, his work to create the portal, and (I'm planning this for the book's climax) his confrontation with Bill on the other side. Thankfully, though, almost none of Bill's backstory was revealed, because that's kinda the point of this fic!

I will need to make some revisions to the story so far, some of them big, some of them small. The list is as follows:

-Apparently, Ford knew about the crash site before going to raid it for parts.

-Fiddleford is from Tennessee, not Alabama (I was close!).

-Ford didn't let Bill take control over his body until after their adventure in the UFO.

-Some timing issues need to be worked out.

-Ford didn't find the shape shifter until they built the bunker (I'm gonna change him to Jeff the Gnome in chapter 3).

Things that I won't be changing, even though they appear to disagree with the journal (followed by an explanation why):

-Richard Northwest is still Richard Northwest (According to the journal, the current patriarch of the army has a different name, so I'm going to say he is Richard's father).

-Ford made a deal with Bill before going to visit the spacecraft (I'm just going to assume that Ford made the deal to let Bill into his mind before their spacecraft adventure, and, feeling safe after making one deal with him, later agreed to let him have control of his body).

I'll update this list as needed, and I'll also get right to work on these revisions. Again, let me know if you spot any continuity errors, and keep enjoying my book!

Cipher [A Gravity Falls Tale] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now