Chapter 3

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Nico's PoV

     I was tremendously bored, school ended not that long ago but Percy had swim practice, so I was sitting in my room. MCR playing from my phone I was scrolling through Instagram's recommended for your posts. I was waiting for Percy to get home before we did our homework because surprisingly the seaweed brain, actually had a brain. He always helped me. Now before you go on saying I'm stupid, I'm not. It's like the teacher will explain something in math and I'll sit there and be like yeah okay. Then I'll get home and sit here like wtf. So Percy just explains it again for me. I'm actually quite smart I have an 85 average in mostly all my subjects.

     So as I scrolled through post after post, I kept checking the time. It was almost 4 and Percy's swim practice ended at 4:30 and it took about 20 minutes to get home. Almost an hour till he'll get home. I sighed and continued scrolling when suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked at the top bar a person by the name of
_thephansclience_  had messaged me. I small smile made it's way onto my face. Whoever he was had an amazing feed, an even better voice. We seemed to have similar taste in music, shows. But the human person had
texted just a simple 'Hey ' 

     I didn't hesitate to text back a quick 'Hey' it showed that he saw it but nothing happens for a couple minutes. About 5 minutes later he texted back.

     ' So hey I know you probably have so many other things you could be doing .And a lot of other people probably message you and  say all this stuff. But like you seem really cool, and just I really like your account. so yeah.'  As I read his message I smiled. Someone actually liked my account. Well dam, how do I respond to that without sounding like I'm only complimenting him because he complimented me? I must of re-typed my message over 10 times. It had to be perfect if I could become friends with him, I would. I didn't have that many friends, I was a loser. Percy would deny the fact that I was a loser, he would go on listing all the friends I hung out with but I never really felt like they all actually wanted me there. Jason, Hazel, Leo, and Percy seemed to like me but the other people like Annabeth, Piper, Frank, Rachel, and Octavian. Made it seem like I was a bother.

     I got lost in thought before I knew it five minutes had passed. Shit. I waited too long I didn't even read what I had down I quickly pressed send. I quickly read it over. ' Wow. That's awesome but your account is so much better. And you have an amazing voice like just.... wow. ' I sighed. I could have probably typed that better but whatever. I never thought I would be this nervous for someone to respond to me. I have a decent amount of followers, and a lot of them have messaged me and it was the usual, them saying they loved my account, I would say thank you and I would chat for a bit till they had to leave or vice versa. I waited for a couple minutes and he didn't respond. I sighed, of course, he didn't why would he? But he did say he liked my account. Then again he said he liked my account not me. Uggghhh. I groaned.  I got my hopes up for nothing. 

     Before I knew it Percy was home from school. We did our homework and then watched 'Attack on titan'. Percy loved that show and then decided that I should watch it. We were on episode 2 when my phone dinged. I jumped off the bed and ran to my phone. It was just Leo, I sighed and looked to see what he wanted. 

    ' Heyyyy, Nico wanna come over and watch a movie???? '  I looked over at Percy then back at my phone. 

      ' No, I'm hanging out with Percy maybe tomorrow.'  I shut off my phone and sat back down next to Percy. He was giving me a look. My face turned a bright red and I buried my face into his chest. 

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