Chapter 2

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Will's Pov
I was extremely bored, the school day had ended about 2 hours ago. And not only were my parents out with friends but I still had a huge pile of homework to do, and my friends weren't answering their phone. I sighed and stood up from my desk for the one-hundredth time in the last hour. I grabbed my phone off my bed and checked my phone. Nothing. I laid my phone down and went back to sit at my desk when I heard it ding. And I believe that in that second I moved the fastest I have ever moved in my life. I jumped back onto my bed and grabbed my phone. It was an Instagram notification. I quickly typed in my password and checked my Instagram.

The person with the user ghost_king1012202 liked a photo. I smiled no matter how many times he liked my photos, I was still surprised that he actually liked them. I didn't know who he was but I've seen his limbs. Okay..... That sounded a bit weird but like in his post. He never showed his face but, he always seems to be wearing dark jeans, black converse, a black shirt, and a bright orange wristband. Which I found really stood out on his pale skin, but I thought it was just a cute little quirk of his. I've always wanted to message him, he seems really cool. We have similar taste in music, shows, movies and stuff like that. But I've never done it, he has a huge amount of followers and I was scared of how it would go. I could either make a friend or ruin my chances of making one or even just be ignored completely.

I walked back over to my desk and scrolled through my various social medias totally forgetting about all the homework I had left to complete, because who needs school. Please ignore my sobbing. Around 11:30 I heard my parents unlocking the front door. I shut off my phone and laid it on top of the huge amount of homework, and I could feel the last little bit of life inside of me shriveled up and die. So I ran down the long staircase and through the house into the lobby type area and waited for my parents to finish taking off their shoes and enter the living room and ask me about my day. It was the same thing every day. They came home from work or if it was a date night, after that and they came home, we sat in the living room talked, and then watch tv or just work silently.

I followed them in and sat in my regular spot in the soft chair my parents had bought a couple months ago. They sat on the matching couch looking at me. My mom was smiling, as usual, my dad looked relaxed but firm... Not my best choice of words but you get it.

" Soo, how was your day kiddo?" My dad asked sounding like the energetic, relaxed person he is.

"It was fine. I still have a bit of homework to finish but that's it." My dad smirked, and gave me a look.

" So any boys catch your eyes lately?" He asked a devious smirk on his face. I could feel my face go red. I buried my face in my hands as my mom hit him, all he did was laugh." What? That is a serious question." I groaned, I didn't really like anyone from my school. I don't really know why I just don't. We finished talking, I ran up to my room and finished my homework not really caring if I'm wrong I just really wanted it done so I could go to sleep. As I laid in my bed and felt my eyes slowly getting heavier and before I knew it I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up Thursday morning by my alarm sounding. groaning I sat up and looked around. The sun was out, and was bright as ever, it was cold and I had my homework scattered across my desk. I quickly packed my bag and did all my morning stuff before running down the stairs for breakfast. I quickly ate the breakfast my mom made me before giving her a hug and kiss and running out the door into my dad's car. He was already there waiting for me, he started the car and drove me to school. It was silent for most of the ride there, as we got closer to the school I could hear all the kids yelling and laughing more clearer. He parked on the side of the road, we said our good-byes and parted ways.

I ran into the yard and meet up with Travis and Connor Stoll, my best friends. They were standing in our usual spot, sitting under the big oak tree.

" Hey, what's up guys?" I asked loudly as I walked up to them. They looked up and smiled.

" Travis is going to ask out Katie today," Connor said smirking as his brothers face turned bright red.

" Well good luck man," I said laughing, making him turn a darker shade of red. For the last couple minutes we had before school started we talked about just whatever came up. When the bell rang we slowly made our way to our class. School was so very boring, we were basically correcting homework all day. By lunch, we all wanted to blow our brains out. The three of us walked to the Grade 1 class that we lunch monitor at, sitting in our regular spots. We were talking and I brought up ghost_king1012202 liking my most recent photo last night and they both sighed.

" Just message him," Travis said, I went to say something but Connor cut me off.

" I swear to Gods if you don't message him, I might accidently hurt you. Accidentally of course." The three of us laughed.

"Just message him, he'll love you. You're too nice and shit for him not to" Travis commented and I laughed harder than I should have. At that point, I told myself no matter what I was going to message him tonight. The rest of the day seemed to go by faster than expected. As soon as I got home I ran up to my room and shut the door. I'm doing this, God dam. I pulled out my phone and started a DM chat thing with no other than ghost_king1012202. I typed a simple 'Hey' and then had a starring contest with the send button. I fought with myself for a couple minutes before I snatched my phone off the bed and pressed send. What shocked me was that I actually messaged him. But what shocked me, even more, was that he messaged back.

Sooooo I updated! Although because Im going to camp tomorrow I'll etheir post on Tuesday or The upcoming Saturday. But etheir way. so yah


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