95|| " L o v e "

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Kids just throw that word around

like its nothing.

They think just because someone

cute comes along and holds their

hand its "love". They think that person

will be there when they are in their

darkest moments. No. You can't

depend on someone else for your

security, happiness, or qualification.

Then there are people like me.

People who know that the word love

can break someone. People who

have been left alone in their darkest

times by someone who "loves" them.

People who think everyone else thinks

the same way, so when someone told me

"I love you" I fell. I fell in love then I fell

apart. No. You have to stop doing this.

Don't depend on someone unless you're

prepared to get broken. Unless you're

ready to get everything you love torn

away from you. Depend on yourself and

only that. Because when you're awake at

3 a.m. debating on whether or not you

want to make it through the night alive,

that person that you thought "loved" you

will be the haunting thought in your mind

telling you to give in to your darkest demons.

You have to stay strong within yourself

and know that you don't need someone

to depend on other than yourself. You

can do this. Love hurts. Just stay alive.♡

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