163|| A n o n y m o u s

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Anonymous said:

How do i let him go?

At first, you don't.You'll

hold on to everything that

reminds you of him.

You'll sleep in the shirt he

left at your house just to

torture yourself even more.

You'll check his social media

200 times a day just to see

if he's already met someone

You'll suffer. Alot.

And one day, you'll find

yourself sitting infront of your

best friend, drinking hot

chocolate and it won't remind

you of that one cold winter day

when you and him sat on the

floor wrapped in blankets. You

won't be ready to start over

with someone else yet, but

you're getting there. You'll

feel it. You'll miss him like

crazy, but everyday it gets

easier to live without him.

So, I think we never really

let them go, we just learn

how to let go of the heartbreak.

At some point we just find

peace. And in that moment

it won't hurt anymore.

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