Its gonna hurt.
Fuck, its gonna
hurt like hell.
When you give
everything you
have to someone,
and its still not
enough, its
going to rip you
apart inside.
Then it'll slowly
get better. You'll
think about things
other than them.
You'll find ways to
occupy your mind.
some days you'll
still wake up wanting
to call them, just to say
good morning. You'll still
spend some days crying
and listening to sad songs
that remind you of them.
You'll fall asleep crying
because it doesn't feel right
without them there. That's
okay. Its okay that it hurts.
But its okay for it to get better,
too. Its okay to let yourself heal.
Its okay to go get drunk in hopes
that you'll get them off your mind,
but its okay to dance around your
room in your underwear because
you feek actually happy, too. Life
isn't going to stop. I know right now
it feels like the world has stopped turning,
but it hasn't. You'll make new friends and
meet new people. Eventually, you'll stop
thinking about them altogether. And you
might remember them forever. They might
have a small part of you forever. But you'll
change. You'll grow. And one day you might
even wonder why you loved them because
you realize that you didn't deserve to be
hurt like that. Its okay to be okay.