165|| H a t e L o v e

3 1 0

"Have you ever been in love?

Horrible isn’t it? It makes

you so vulnerable. It opens

your chest and it opens your

heart and it means that someone

can get inside you and mess you

up. You build up these defenses,

you build this whole suit of armor,

so that nothing can hurt you,

then one stupid person, no

different from any other

stupid person, wanders into

your stupid life. You give them

a piece of you. They didn’t ask

for it. They do something dumb

one day, like kiss you or smile at

you, and then your life isn’t your

own any more. Love takes

hostages. It gets inside you. It

eats you out and leaves you

crying in the darkness, working

its way into your heart. It hurts.

Not just in the imagination. Not

just in the mind. It’s a soul hurt,

a body hurt, a real gets inside

you and rips you apart pain. I

hate love."

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