One - Hellish School Day

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No One's POV
(Yn) didn't want to walk up the stairs to the DWMA. She barely wanted to be here. Months ago the Kishin had awoken, witches rule some parts of the world, people fight here, she was scared for her own life. Her parents made her go anyway. They said that she was 'special'. Which wasn't far off from the truth, (Yn) was a demon weapon.
When she got up the stairs, she went straight to student admissions. There, a blue man was asking students if they were a weapon or a meister.
"You, young lady. Which are you? Meister or weapon?" He politely asked.
"A-ah, weapon," (Yn) stuttered. She pulled her hands to her chest.
"Here you go," he handed (Yn) a pin with the word 'weapon' imprinted on it.
(Yn) went to the back of the room and stood in the corner. Her arms crossed. Everyone looked at her at some point. Whenever they did, she gave them a hostile glare.
      When finally it was time to leave, (Yn) was the first to leave. Instead of going the direction that all of the other students went, she went the other. She didn't want to see their faces.
       She bumped into someone. (Yn) looked at who it was. A boy, black hair, and white stripes? The sight confused her for a moment, she was stunned in place.
       "Sorry, my bad," the boy said and walked off.
       "O-okay," (Yn) whispered, and started in the opposite direction.
When the school day ended, (Yn) decided to go back to the entrance. Maybe there would be less kids.
But she was wrong. A guy who called himself 'BlackStar'. "Hey! You, girly!" Black★Star yelled at (Yn). "Aren't you baffled by the amazing Black★Star?" He lunged towards her, pounding his chest like a gorilla.
          "No,"(Yn) said. "I'd prefer to go back to the girl's dormitories. Good day," (Yn) walked towards the stairs. She tried to ignore his stupidity and ignorance.
       "I'll show you the strength of Black★Star if you're too lazy to look!" He yelled. This boy was obviously not going to stop.
       "Wha-" (Yn) breathed. She was cut off by the dim-witted boy.
She couldn't talk, Black★Star had already kicked her to the ground. He proceed to elbow (Yn) in the throat. Her stomach ached, there was a throbbing pain in her intestines. Her airway seemed to be crushed.
"Black★Star!" the same kid that (Yn) crashed into spoke up. "Leave her alone. She is a new student. What did my father say about you kicking other kid's asses? He said to stop!" The boy with the white stripes was defending (Yn) because of her weak status.
"Let me finish," Black★Star demanded. He started to yell at the other boy.
"You okay?" the kid took (Yn)'s hand, he pulled her up from the ground. "I'm Death the Kid, just call me Kid," Kid said. He smiled towards her.
(Yn) looked into his eyes and wondered why he walls called 'Death the Kid'. "Hey- why is your name 'Death the Kid'?" (Yn) asked.
"Named after my father, Death Himself," Kid answered. He spoke proudly.
"Death has a son?" (Yn) asked.
"Why does everyone ask th- I just noticed your hair. Perfectly symmetrical (HC) locks! How'd you get it to be so- perfect?" His cheeked went from pale to rose, while admiring (Yn)'s hair.
"Naturally, I guess," (Yn) said. She was confuzzled. Why was he so proud of a haircut?
(Yn)'s POV
I started to blush at his compliment of my hair. No, I can't. I couldn't stop smiling. It's just a hair cut, right? Nothing to be flattered about.
       "I'll see you around," Kid said, then left. He started to talk to himself about the symmetry in my hair.
       I watched him leave. Now I was alone with the blue guy. "Get the fuck away, fat man," I yelled at Black★Star. I ran away crying. My body was sore, screaming with agony.
I fell for the trap. That can't happen to me, I've trained myself to never love again... After the events that happened.
I ran into my dorm room and slammed the door. I looked at it. I laid down on my bed and cried into a pillow. The thought of love haunted me, happiness killed me, anything positive buried me. I can't take it, it's too hard. Happiness is what makes the world shatter, right?
I sobbed as loud as I possibly could. When I heard a knock on the door, I gasped and tensed up. I perched myself on the bed, peering towards the door.
"Hey- Yn," a females voice said. "Are you okay? I hear crying." I could not recognize who the voice belonged to.
"I-I'm fine," I stuttered, trying to sound like a normal human being. I failed miserably because of how socially awkward I am.
"Alright-" I heard footsteps leading away from the door. Thank god... she is gone now.

Lies (Death the Kid x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now